
The Dean Family/Riverview

Generation 1& 2

The Deans live in Riverview.  This family begins with Tansy Parker (created in CAS), a vegetarian party animal, who later marries brave, athletic police officer George Dean.  Tansy & George wait until reaching the top of their careers before having a child which leaves their only son, George Jr., parent-less in his teen years. He is forced to grow up way too quickly. Please Note: Part 1 is not really a story, but more of a progression of the Dean Family as they grew, sort of like a photo album.

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The Dean family's story continues, with Tania & George III aging up to teens, but ends in an unexpected tragedy (no I didn't plan it).

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The Deans take a trip to China, hoping that getting away will help them face their recent tragedy.  They rely on each other and their different interests to get them through this very difficult time.

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Upon the family's return from China, Tania turns her attention to Antwain Cheek, a boy that she's had her eye on for a while.  Tania is falling deeply for Antwain, but will he ever feel the same?

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Tania is determined to win over Antwain's heart, but the fact that he is already in a relationship is a huge obstacle.  How can she get him to break up with his girlfriend and confess his true feelings for her?

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Tania throws a birthday party to celebrate her passage into adulthood.  She's grateful to be on her way to moving out of her parent's house, that is - until tragedy strikes the family once again.

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The Dean family is overwhelmed with grief when a second tragedy strikes.  However, this time things take an unexpected turn. 
Generation 3

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Things heat up between Tania and Antwain as they reap the benefits of Tania having her own place.  Tania would love for Antwain to be around everyday and considers asking him to move in.

Tania makes the decision to let her father know about Antwain moving in with her, while Antwain takes important steps in his transition to adulthood.

The weekend starts out as ordinary for Tania and Antwain.  Tania gets some good news regarding her photography career and decides that it's due time for a serious discussion with her father.

Tania faces her father, George Jr., but hits a soft spot when she brings up her dead brother. She has a lot to learn when it comes to knowing who her father really is. Her mother, Bianca, steps in to give her a bit of insight on George Jr. 's past.

George Jr. accompanies Tania and Antwain to city hall, where Tania receives a special award in photography.  Afterward, Tania and George Jr. make an effort to resolve their differences.

Antwain heads to the local bar to socialize and meet new people.  Tania, who later joins him, discovers a vice that temporarily washes away the pressure she's felt all of her life to be the best at everything.

Antwain makes a huge decision about the relationship between himself and Tania, while Tania comes to a realization of her own. 

Antwain is all set to put is proposal plans in motion, when Tania blindsides him with plans of her own.

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Tania arrives in France and goes right to work taking photos to complete her photographic examination of France.  She runs into a bump in the road when she discovers that her contact only speaks French.

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Tania enters her first underground tavern and quickly discovers that this assignment is not just about showcasing her photographic talents.

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Tania continues the exploration of her first underground passage.  After she completes her assignment, she returns to Monsieur Pivert and learns something interesting about him.

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Tania gets her new assignment, but makes a huge error in judgment when she shows up slightly intoxicated.

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Terrified to go on, Tania turns to the one person she knows she can count on in a time of crisis.

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Tania tries to soak away her fear, but relief is short lived when she finds herself back in the Landgraab mansion.

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Tania has one more assignment to complete before she's scheduled to return home.  She hurries to finish before time runs out on her.

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Tania returns from her long trip and Antwain has a big surprise for her.

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Tania and Antwain go out to celebrate their engagement.  They return home as their house is being burglarized.  Tania takes matters into her own hands; refusing to wait for the cops to handle it.

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Tania wakes up in the middle of the night to find out that the burglar alarm has done more than just alert the police.

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Tania wakes the next morning after seeing her brother's ghost, longing to see him again.  Later, her grandmother, Tatiana, calls her to ask her an important question.

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Tania approaches Antwain with the idea of her grandmother Tatiana moving in.  Both she and Tatiana are surprised by Antwain's answer.

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Tatiana's new room is ready.  She quickly moves in; happy to be away from George Jr.

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Antwain's best friend is throwing him a bachelor's party.  Now he has to give the news to Tania, who he is sure will not be pleased.

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Antwain has a great time at his bachelor's party, while Tania pouts at home.

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Tatiana wakes early in the morning and catches Tania at an awkward moment.  Afterward, she gives Tania a bit of unsolicited advice, but Tania is not sure she'll be able to take it.

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Seeking a second opinion, Tania approaches her mother to ask whether or not she should have George III's body moved to the cemetery.

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It's Tania and Antwain's wedding day and the only thing that Tania feels will calm her nerves is a large glass of nectar.  Later she shares a touching moment with her father George Jr.

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There's not a dry eye around as Antwain and Tania exchange their vows.

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During the reception, Tania suspects that her new mother-in-law may not be too fond of her.

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The ghost of George III appears the night of Tania's wedding, giving her one last chance to say goodbye.

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Antwain stands by helpless after Tania decides to dig up her brother's ashes and relocate them to the cemetery alone.

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Tania and Bianca's visit to the cemetery ends with hurt words and a drinking binge at the local bar.

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 Tania has yet to return home from the cemetery and Antwain begins to worry about her emotional state.

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Tania is home from her night of binge drinking; resulting in a standoff with Antwain.

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Later that day, Tatiana gets a chance to speak her mind about Tania's situation to Antwain, but Antwain refuses to believe that the drinking is a real problem.

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Tania wakes up hungover from her night of drinking, sure that she has a lot to apologize for.

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Convinced that she's cursed, Tania expresses to Antwain how unfair she's been to place her burdens on him. While Antwain tries to get her to understand that he's there to help her through her problems.

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Tania agrees to Antwain's suggestion and the two of them begin the process...

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Things are so good between Antwain and Tania that Tatiana cannot help but notice.