
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Sims 3: Hamilton & Boyd

Meet Destiny Hamilton and Drake Boyd. Drake is an ambitious, flirty, party animal who hates the outdoors. Although excited about moving to the big city, Drake is a bit of a coward, so the idea of relocating to the “concrete jungle” was a bit frightening.

Moving to the city was mostly Destiny’s idea. Born with star quality, Destiny’s ambitions grew too big for her small town. She is a schmoozer who loves parties, is mean spirited and cannot stand art.

Destiny and Drake move to the big city of Bridgeport for different reasons.  Destiny hopes to become the next big star and Drake wants to become a drink mixologist.  Big cities have been known to chew people up and spit them out.  Does this small town couple have what it takes to conquer the "concrete jungle"?

Destiny Boyd and Drake Hamilton are unmarried, but decided to leave their small town and move to the big city together.  
Drake is an ambitious, flirty, party animal who hates the outdoors.  Although excited about moving to the big city, Drake is a bit of a coward, so the idea of relocating to the “concrete jungle” was a bit frightening.
Moving to the city was mostly Destiny’s idea.  Born with star quality, Destiny’s ambitions grew too big for her small town.  She is a schmoozer who loves parties, is mean spirited and cannot stand art. 
The couple merged their funds and purchased a one bedroom apartment on the 10th floor of a high rise in the city of Bridgeport; home to party goers and star wannabes. 
Destiny and Drake arrive at their new furnished apartment, in awe of the height and architecture of the building.
Drake cannot get enough of staring at the walls, doors and elevator.  He’s never lived anywhere like this in his life.  Destiny is anxious to take a look at their apartment.  They purchased it furnished, without getting a chance to see it first.
Drake and Destiny step into the elevator.  Drake is interested in learning the drink mixology skill and working in a bar.  He cannot wait to take a class to learn more.
Drake and Destiny take the short trip up to the top floor.  Destiny was excited to find this apartment because to her it represents where she wants to go with her acting career – straight to the top.
Destiny inhales as she enters their new apartment.
She lets out a sigh of relief as she enters the large living space.
This is not too bad for a first apartment.
Drake is visibly nervous about seeing their apartment for the first time.
Even he can’t help but smile as he sees their living space.  He is especially happy about the large screen TV.
Destiny heads straight for the computer.  She wants to begin her acting career as soon as possible.
She succeeds in finding a director who is looking for background extras.  Destiny immediately accepts the job.
Drake is enjoying their new stereo, but Destiny is ready to leave the apartment and explore Bridgeport.
Drake has been smitten with Destiny since high school.  Although she was known as the mean girl at school, he has always seen something more within her.
“OK, we’ve seen the apartment, let’s head out and meet people.” Destiny demands, but Drake would rather stay home and make out.
“Drake, we didn’t move to a new town just to stay home.  If I’m going to be a star, I need to be seen!”
“Were you checking out my hot new dance moves?” Drake asks totally ignoring Destiny’s request to go out.
Destiny loves Drake, but he can be really annoying at times. 

“Ok, I’m really bored with this discussion, can we leave now,” Destiny says, more like a demand than a question.

“Don’t you want to dance with me first?”
Drake continues talking about how great of a dancer he is, so Destiny rudely yawns in his face.
“So I guess that means that you don’t like my moves.”
“Drake, please don’t embarrass me when we get outside.”
Drake really hates how Destiny talks to him at times.  In fact, he hates the way she talks to a lot of people
Drake lets her know how rude she’s being…
I promise not to embarrass you, if you promise not to act like such a witch.”
Destiny is not too happy with Drake for calling her a witch.
“You know that I love you Destiny, but you also know that you have to stop being so mean all the time.”
Drake expects Destiny to lash out at this, but her response surprises him…
“I’m sorry Drake.  You know I have a bit of a temper.  You also know that I love you.”
She goes on, “I really want us to work out, so I am going to try my best to be a great girlfriend for you.”
“I love you too Destiny and you’re already a great girlfriend…let’s go.”
Drake and Destiny head out.  Their relationship has been up and down since the day they met, so arguments and disagreements are nothing new, but there is something real about their love for each other that keeps them holding on.
Drake and Destiny hop into a cab.  “Where to?” The cabby asks.  Drake and Destiny pause, not knowing where they should go. “Aw, you must be new to town.”
“Can you take us somewhere we can meet some locals?” Drake asks.
“I know just the spot.” The cabby assures them before taking off.
“So which one of you moved here to pursue stardom?” The cabby asks.
“Me, how did you know?” Destiny asks surprised.
“What? Do you think you’re the first wide eyed hopeful I’ve driven around this city?” The cabby says with a knowing smirk.  Destiny doesn’t like her patronizing tone.
The cabby pulls up in front of the town hall and drops them off at the Civic Plaza.  “This is a good spot to meet some of the townies,” she says before driving off. Destiny steps out of the cab looking to meet new friends, while Drake just stands in awe of the big city buildings.  Neither knows what big city living will bring, but both determined to find out.

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