
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 17)

Miles is awakened in the morning by his cell phone.
 It takes him a minute to stretch and fully wake up.  He was actually in the middle of a very peaceful sleep.
 Miles answers the phone.  It is one of his co-workers asking if he wants to hang-out since it’s his day off.
 The old Miles would have jumped at the chance, but the new married, responsible father Miles turns her down.  Miles plans to spend his day off with Zawadi and Sephora.
 Miles gets Zawadi out of her crib and sits her on the potty.  Before long, she is successfully potty trained!
 Sephora, thrilled that potty training is over, sits down to spend a few minutes playing with Zawadi on the floor.
Miles works on his handy skills, fixing their broken shower.
Sephora prepares a quick brunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
“Are you going out to the park to play for tips today?” Sephora asks.

“No, music can wait.  I plan on staying home.” Sephora is relieved that Miles has decided to stay home.  Now she’ll be able to finish up her stone sculpture.
While Zawadi is still eating, Miles decides to entertain her with a song that he’s been working on. 
 Miles and Zawadi then head outside, where Zawadi successfully learns the walking skill.
 Sephora completes a stone Tiki sculpture for the Doo Peas Corporate Tower.

 Excited to have completed her first sculpture for a corporate office, Sephora rushes off to deliver her creation.
 Now that Zawadi can walk and use the potty on her own, Miles decides to get a head start on teaching her to talk.
 Miles and Zawadi settle down for a little one-on-one conversation.
Sephora is slightly nervous as she approaches Doo Peas Tower.  What if they don’t like her work?
Turns out that she had nothing to worry about.  Not only did they love the statue, but she was paid a little over two thousand simoleons.
At home, Zawadi approaches the potty for the first time on her own. 
 Sephora heads to the consignment store hoping to consign a few veggies, but is disappointed that the stop is closed for the night.  There’s nothing else for her to do, but go home.
 Miles hops in the shower to freshen up. Miles has a few surprises for Sephora when she gets home.
 First things first, Miles calls up the local babysitting service.  He wants to take Sephora out tonight.
 Then Miles gets his guitar ready.  As soon as Sephora walks into the door, he wants to welcome her with a serenade of a song that he’s been working on just for her.
 Sephora walks in the door, aware that something strange is going on with Miles.  He’s acting all giddy and nervous.
 Sephora is puzzled.  What could be on his mind?
 Sephora doesn’t have to wonder for long.  “I have a surprise for you babe,” Miles tells her.
 “This one is called Sephora,” Miles announces before he begins to play.  Sephora is flattered.
 Miles focuses on each note.  He wants this song to convey the deep love and affection he has for his wife.
Miles cannot help but smile as his fingers seem to magically take control and the melody flows just the way he intended.
 Sephora is mesmerized as the beautiful tune caresses her ears and her heart.
 For the first time, Sephora realizes how much star potential Miles really has. 
 Miles has a lot of talent, and Sephora can see him going to the top of his career.
 Miles is delighted to see how much Sephora is enjoying his song.
Sephora feels as if she could just melt with love and admiration for her husband.
Just as Miles ends his tune, the babysitter arrives.
 “What’s going on?” Sephora asks confused.

“We’re going out tonight,” Miles reveals.  Sephora is very surprised.
 Miles and Sephora get into the awaiting cab.  Although they are nervous about leaving Zawadi with a sitter, they are both happy to get a chance to spend some alone time together.
 Sephora is just as giddy as Miles.  Miles and Sephora haven’t been on a date since their honeymoon.  
 Miles and Sephora arrive at the beach.  Sephora is annoyed when Miles’ phone begins to ring, but is happy when he decides to ignore it.
 Miles takes off running like a teen in love.  Sephora runs after him.
Miles doesn’t stop until he arrives at Hogan’s Deep Sea Diner.
This is where Miles and Sephora ate during the first night of their honeymoon.  It’s just as romantic now and it was then.
 After a delicious meal, Miles and Sephora take a walk along the beach.
Sephora suddenly turns to Miles.  “I don’t think I love you the same as I did when we first married...” Miles is not sure how to take this…
…but is relieved when Sephora steps closer to him and completes her statement, “…I love you so much more,” she says and they kiss under the stars.

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