
Monday, November 1, 2010

The sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 10)

It’s not long before another lady wanders over to the bar. 
She is followed in by a very creepy looking shirtless guy with red eyes.  This guy’s piercing glance strangely perturbs Drake and sends a chill down his spine.   
He turns his attention back to the lady sitting at the bar.  “OK Drake…here’s a second chance.  You can do this,” He pep talks himself.
“What can I get for you?” 

“I’ll take a Flaming Waylon and make it strong.”
Drake spends a few minutes trying to determine which mix to use for this drink.

“You do know how to make it, don’t you?”
“Of course, of course,” Drake lies before grabbing the first drink mix that he can get his hands on.

“Then why did you just grab the club soda?”
“Uh, my bad.  I sometimes get the club soda and Flaming solution mixed up.”

The lady at the bar looks horrified as she realizes that Drake doesn’t know what he’s doing.
While Drake turns to search for the correct drink mix, she debates on whether she should just leave while his back is turned.
She gets up, but is not able to disappear before Drake turns and catches her.

“I’ll be right there!” She yells to a non-existing friend as an excuse to walk away from the bar.  “Cancel that drink.” She calls over her shoulder as she walks off. 
Drake catches up to her as she tries to leave for the VIP section of the bar.  “I’m sorry about that.  I’m new to this whole bartending thing.  I should have told you the truth.”
She doesn’t get a chance to respond before the bouncer approaches her.  “Were you trying to sneak into the VIP area?  VIP is for celebs only!”
“I’m just trying to get a decent drink.” She says in a pleading voice.  

Drake feels bad that he wasn’t able to provide her with the correct drink.
“Shoo…your kind is not welcomed in VIP.” The bouncer says in a degrading matter.
The lady is feeling dejected and Drake feels even worst.
“I ‘m really sorry.  This is not my main job, I’m just moonlighting here.  Can I at least buy you a drink?”  Drake says trying to make up to her.

“That’s OK.  It’s time I left anyway.”
As the lady leaves the bar, Drake sees Jeffrey Cook, the politician Destiny introduced herself to at the Aquarius club.

“Do I know you?” Jeffrey asks Drake.
Drake is really not into trying to impress celebrities.  He’s definitely not in the mood to talk to Jeffrey right now. However, he realizes that if he wants to be a successful mixologist and possible own his own bar one day, he’s going to have to get to know a few celebrities.
“No…well yes.  My girlfriend introduced herself to you at the Aquarius club.”
“Ah, yes, the busty girl.  And you were dancing with my lady friend.” Jeffrey says.
“Just for a little while.  I was keeping her busy for you.”
“I don’t know why it bothered me.  It’s not like she would ever go for someone like you anyway.”
‘Hey man, no need for insults.  I was just there to have fun.  No harm, no foul.”  Drake is not interested in any further conversations with Jeffrey so he walks away to the bar.
Just to show Jeffrey that he has no bad feelings, Drake treats everyone in the bar to a round of drinks.
“Put it on my tab.”  Drake tells the bartender. Then he laughs, “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
Jeffrey appears to get the message that Drake doesn’t want any strife between them, because he walks over to the bar for his free drink.
“I really didn’t mean any harm,” Drake reiterates.

Jeffrey just grunts, but Drake knows that it means that all is cool between them.
Drake tries to offer the VIP bouncer a drink, but he’s not allowed to drink while on the job.
When his stomach begins to growl, Drake returns to the bar for a bite to eat.
He enjoys a plate of onion rings.  It’s due time for him to head back home.
As he’s getting ready to leave, the VIP bouncer walks over to him.  
“So when are you going to allow me to hobnob with the celebs in VIP?”  Drake asks
“You know I can’t do that man.  I just wanted to thank you for the drink offer.” The bouncer says.
Although his night of moonlighting did not go over well, Drake feels as if he’s found a home away from home at this bar.  He plans on coming back here on a regular basis.
The gorgeous city lights beacon him to stay out and continue to enjoy the night, but he’s sleepy and ready to return home to Destiny.
He gets home and is relieved that Destiny is fast asleep.
She definitely would not appreciate the fact that he has been out for most of the night.
She may even have a few unkind words for him in the morning, but for now he is going to enjoy a great night’s sleep.


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