
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 11)

Destiny wakes up the next morning glad to see that Drake made it home last night, but furious that he was not home by the time she went to bed.
Not the least bit interested in ever learning to cook, Destiny eats a quick breakfast once again.
It is far too early for her to leave for work, so she settles on the couch to watch TV.  Watching TV always motivates Destiny to continue in her quest to become a top actress.
Drake wakes up a few hours later.  He was hoping that Destiny would have left for work by the time he woke up.  He’s not in the mood to hear her complain about him getting home after 3 in the morning.
It’s time for Destiny to leave for work.  She hears Drake moving around in the bedroom, but she is too angry to speak to him right now.
Destiny’s cell phone rings after she gets to the ground floor of the building. It’s her agent,” Good news Destiny!  The owner of the Prospect Room has heard about you and your increased celebrity status.  She thinks it’ll be good for business if you show up this weekend and order a drink at the bar!”
“Are you serious! Don’t play with me.  Of course, I’d love to go this weekend.”
Destiny’s schmoozing skills have paid off!  People finally know who she is.   She should be ecstatic, but she is still pissed at Drake.  “How dare he stay out all night!  He will pay!”  She says to herself before getting into her carpool.
For now, Drake has dodged a bullet, or in other words …Destiny’s wrath.  He heads to the movie Cineplex to meet with a representative of the National Mixology Association (NMA).
Every month, the NMA picks one new mixology student who shows dedication to the craft and awards them a scholarship.  This month’s awardee is Drake. 
Drake’s scholarship award is 500 simoleons.  He leaves the Cineplex and heads to work.
Destiny is done with her work day.  At work, she receives more good news. First, Alan Stanley, a local legend and movie director invites her to a party at his house.  Second, she has been promoted to key grip.  Last, she receives an opportunity to be an emergency interviewer for an upcoming interview at Doo Peas Corporate Tower.
Destiny and Drake arrive home at the same time.  Drake watches Destiny expectantly.  He knows that she is not going to let his late night out pass without a fight.
He prepares himself for the backlash, but to his surprise, Destiny doesn’t say a word to him.
Drake knows that her non-reaction is far worst than if she had reacted.  He knows that he is in deep trouble.
Destiny knows exactly how she is going to get back at Drake.  She does not tell him about her party invitation.  Instead, she gets dressed up in one of her sexiest outfits, which happens to also be one of his favorites.
Destiny then leaves for the party.
Drake is too busy reading the newspaper to notice or care that Destiny has left, and he certainly does not notice her outfit.
Destiny gives the cabby Alan’s address, “Take me to 12 Bogard Lane and step on it!” She demands.
The cabby drives past downtown and heads to the Bridgeport Bridge which connects the city to the ritzy suburbs in the hills.
Destiny looks over her shoulder at the city.  The view is breathe taking.  “I will live over here some day.”  She declares out loud.
“That’s what they all say.”  The cabby tells her.

“Shut up and drive!”
The cab climbs higher and higher into the hills.  The houses seem to become more and more glamorous as they climb.
Finally they pull up at Alan’s house.  It’s as impressive as Destiny would have expected, with an iron gate surrounding the property.
The iron gates open, allowing Destiny to walk through.
As soon as Destiny enters Alan’s home, she runs into Matthew Hamming.  If she can impress Matthew and become friends with him, her ticket to stardom will be paid in full.
Destiny wants to approach him, but she doesn’t want to appear star struck like the lady standing to the other side of him.  She has to approach him like a fellow star.
Alan Stanley sees that  Destiny has arrived and is pleased.  “This girl has star potential written all over her,” he thinks to himself.
Destiny turns to Matthew and just goes for it, “I’m going to be your costar one day.”  She boldly announces.  Destiny is disappointed that Matthew’s eyes goes straight to her chest like most guys.
“Wow, “ He says, then he clears his throat and finally looks Destiny in the eye.  “And what makes you think that?”
“I’m talented and I was born with star quality.” 

“I’ve heard that a million times.  I thought you had something to back up such a bold statement…and no, just being well endowed won’t cut it.” 
“I’ve always loved you Johhny.  I’ve loved you since I was a little girl, but now I know that you can never return that love.  You can never return that love because you don’t love yourself…”Destiny recites from the movie script that she took from work.
Destiny recites the words with such precision and emotion, that Matthew is very impressed.  “That’s the script for my next movie.”  Matthew says recognizing the words immediately. 
“You just may have the star quality that you claimed to have.  I’m going to have to talk to Alan Stanley about you.  He needs to hear what I just heard.’
Destiny always suspected that she had what it takes to make it in film, but to hear it from a five star celebrity…that’s a dream come true.
Destiny tries to play the humble role, “Well, I know that I have a lot to learn and –”

“Cut the crap Destiny!” Matthew interrupts, “You and I both know that you don’t have a humble bone in your body.  I could tell that the moment I saw you.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Destiny asks, slightly concerned.
Matthew leans in, “I’ll let you in on a little secret.  Humility has no place in this cut throat business.  How can you expect to make it if you go around talking about how undeserving you are?”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret as well.  I think your co-star in this next movie is an embarrassment to the movie industry.   I think she woohooed with the casting director to get that role.”
Matthew roars with laughter, “You are something else,” he manages to say between chuckles.
“You’re the only reason the movie will be as big as it will be.”  Destiny continues.
“I’ve got my eye on you Destiny Hamilton.  You just may be my co-star soon.”
Destiny smiles.

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