
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 12)

While Destiny is sucking up to Matthew Hamming, Drake is trying to keep his stomach contents from rising to his throat after tasting a horrible combination of drink mixes.
He learns from the newspaper that Wayland’s and Bridgeport Sports Zone are the two hotspots for the night, but Drake sees tonight as a great opportunity to work on his mixology skills.
Destiny goes down to Alan’s basement where a live band is playing.
Destiny spots Moxie.  Moxie sees Destiny and is very surprised to see her at a Alan Stanley party.
Destiny strikes up a conversation with the lady next to her.  “So are you a screenwriter?”  Destiny asks.

“No.” She answers.
“Do you work in the industry at all or are you just rich?”  Destiny has no qualms about asking questions that you just shouldn’t ask out of politeness. 

“Oh no.  Nothing like that.” The lady answers.
“So how did you get invited here?”

“Oh, I won a local radio contest.  I answered some questions correctly and won a chance to attend a Alan Stanley party.  Isn’t that exciting!”
“Actually that’s quite lame.” Destiny answers.  “I won a contest, so I got invited to party with Alan Stanley…” Destiny says mimicking the lady’s high pitched voice and level of excitement perfectly.
“I should have known that you don’t belong here by the way you’re dressed.  What are you…some type of librarian?”

The lady is horrified that Destiny is being so rude.
“Who do you think you are?”

“I’m Destiny Hamilton and I actually belong here.”
Destiny, full of herself because she managed to impress Matthew Hamming, doesn’t even feel bad that she has just ruined this lady’s night.
Moxie finishes up her set and walks toward Destiny, overly excited about having a chance to play with Tiara Angelista.
“Hey Moxie.  I didn’t know you had talent in anything besides kicking a ball around.”

At first Moxie is not sure if this is an insult or not. 
“Yes, I’ve been playing bass since I was in high school.”
“That’s nice,” Destiny says totally disregarding Moxie’s answer.  “So do you want to go with me to the Prospect Room.  The owner invited me to come for a drink, can you believe it?  I’m sure she won’t mind too much if you tag along.”
“Wow, you’ve actually been invited to the Prospect Room.  I’ve been trying to get in there for ages.”
“So do you want to come?” Destiny asks again.

“No, I’ll just take my talentless, ball kicking self home.” Moxie says unforgiving of Destiny’s insult.
Meanwhile, Drake is at home still working on his mixing skills.  He tosses a can of soda in the air and follows it closely with his eyes.
Almost like slow motion, the can floats high above Drake’s head and flips upside down before gravity takes over.
The can comes down and Drake catches it.  “Yes!” He says,” I caught it!”
Drake does another quick toss and once again, he catches it.
Drake pours in another mix and waits for the reaction.  There’s no sizzling or foul smells.  In fact, this drink is…
…absolutely perfect!  Drake is now a proud level five mixologist.
A pissed off Destiny heads for the Overview Point Subway station after leaving Alan Stanley’s house.  She cannot believe that Moxie rejected her.  “She’s just mad that I’m now more popular than she is.”
By now, the Prospect Room has closed along with most of the other clubs and bars in town.  Destiny is starving and doesn’t know where to go to get a bite to eat.
As she exits the subway, she spots a catering truck. 
While Destiny is at the catering truck, Drake sits down to catch a late night horror flick.  He is not exactly waiting up for Destiny, but it already after 3 am and he is a little worried.
Destiny, not caring that Drake may be worried, orders a taco from the catering truck.  The food vendor recognizes Destiny and charges her half price for the taco.  “Celebrity has it’s privileges,” Destiny says to herself.
Either she is starving, or this is the best taco that she has ever sank her teeth into. 
Drake is very tired, but the horror film has him terrified.  He wants to wait up for Destiny because he is scared to go to bed alone, but he doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of thinking that he cares that she has stayed out so late.  He decides to go to bed.
Destiny would love to stay out longer, just to upset Drake even more, but she is absolutely exhausted. 
Destiny takes the subway home.
Destiny exits the subway station closest to their apartment.  It is almost scary being out so late (or early) alone.
As the elevator gets to the top floor and Destiny steps out of it, the door close on her.
She wiggles and wiggles while pushing the doors, trying to clear herself of them, but they just won’t stay open long enough for her to pass through.  For a second, she considers calling Drake for help, but decides against it. 
Suddenly the doors pop open, causing an unbalanced Destiny to fall flat on her face.  Destiny is humiliated although no one is around to witness it.
She picks herself up before the elevator doors have a chance to close on her again. “I should sue!” She says quietly.
Destiny enters the apartment and is shocked that Drake is not up waiting for her. 
She would love to wake him up to accuse him of not caring about her, but it’s after 4 am and she would probably pass out from exhaustion before she could even get the words out.
She gets in bed and falls asleep before her head even hits the pillow.  Her battle with Drake will just have to be continued tomorrow.


  1. Cute story, so far. :) Great personalities from both Drake and Destiny. She's definitely a very interesting sim! I've enjoyed this, so far... It'll be interesting to see where they both go from here, especially between the two of them. ;)

  2. Thank you Kaleeko! Destiny is really fun to write. I appreciate your feedback!
