
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sims 3: The Price Family (part 11)

Lexus wakes up in the morning ready to face the world with a new attitude.  She realizes that she’ll be just fine without her father Kamal in her life.
Lexus still wants to maintain a good relationship with her half-brother Clark, so she decides to spend this Saturday morning with him.
It happens that Clark is in need of some sisterly companionship this morning.  He was supposed to be attending a wedding, but his date bailed on him after they had an argument over him wearing his hat to the wedding.
Lexus lets Clark know that everything is going to be okay.  “If she bailed on you, than she wasn’t worth your time anyway.”
Clark knows that Lexus is right, but he really liked this girl. 
Lexus invites Clark to hang out with her this morning.  “Maybe you just need to get out of the house,” she says, but Clark would rather just mope around.
“Come on Clark!  I heard that the old Red Rendezvous has been remodeled and turned into a bar.  We could sneak in and get a drink.”
“I actually need to stay here and help my mom clean up the house.  But you should still go out and have fun.”
At home, Mercedes sits down and finishes up a drawing before heading to work. 
After a long maternity leave, Mercedes is happy to be back at work.  She leaves home and goes straight to a client’s house to complete a house call.
After completing a few more house calls, she heads to town to solicit a few more customers with her stylist services.
Lexus leaves Clark’s house and heads to work.  After work, she is surprised to see her best friend Terrance standing outside of her workplace waiting for her. “What are you doing here Terrance?”
“I just wanted to see you,” Terrance says before giving her a hug like he’s done a million times, but something is different this time.  Terrance holds her just a little longer and squeezes her a little tighter. 
Her stomach does a flip as his body gets closer to hers.  Suddenly she doesn’t want him to let her go.
Terrance is looking at her strange.  How come she’s never noticed his gorgeous blue eyes before?
“You look beautiful ,” he says.

Almost like magic, his words seem to have control over her.  Even her heart beat responds to his voice by pumping harder. 
“What’s going on Terrance?”

Terrance hesitates a moment.  “I like you Lexus.”

“I know Terrance, we’ve been friends forever.”
“I don’t like you like a friend.  I like you more.”

“But I thought you were crushing on that pretty senior that you pointed out at lunch.”
“I just told you that to hide my true feelings for you,”  Terrance says.  His stare is so intense that Lexus has to look away.  
Lexus tries to change the subject. “Hey, I was reading this magazine at work about sun sign compatibility.  I was wondering what your sign is.”
Aquarius,”  Terrance answers.

Lexus is speechless for a moment.  “Aquarius,” she repeats in disbelief and surprise,  “that’s one of my most compatible signs. I’m a Sagittarius
“Good, because I want to be with you Lexus.”

Suddenly Lexus can’t imagine things any other way.  Why is she just now aware of her deep attraction for Terrance?  It’s like she just woke up from a long nap.
Lexus is also afraid.  She’s not quite sure what to do with these new feelings. 
“I don’t know what to say Terrance.  I don’t know what we should do.”
“Just say that you’ll let me take you out tomorrow.  Can you meet me for lunch?”
“I-” Lexus begins.

Terrance interrupts. “Please don’t say no.  I just want to know that I haven’t ruined things between us by telling you how I feel.”
“Okay,” is all that Lexus can say.

“Thank you,” Terrance says, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Lexus drives home thinking about what has just occurred.  She is pretty sure that she has feelings for Terrance too, but she needs a moment to sort things out.
Lexus arrives home, but doesn’t enter the house right away.  “Am I ready for a relationship?” Lexus asks herself; wondering how this new development will affect her dream of becoming a doctor.  Is there room for ambition and love?
Lexus wants to be alone for a while, so she goes and looks through the telescope; grateful for the solitude.
In the meantime, her baby brother Taye ages up to a toddler.  
Mercedes is glad that Taye is no longer a baby, but realizes that toddlerhood will require a lot of additional time on her part.
Lexus finally enters the house after fighting a losing battle with hunger.  She considers asking her mom’s advice on her situation with Terrance,
but decides against it, because Mercedes seems to be a bit preoccupied.  “Great meal mom,” she says instead.
There is no denying the signs that her body is giving her.  Just thinking about Terrance sends her heart racing.  Her thoughts no longer center around whether she should allow him into her heart, but rather… will her heart have room for much else with him in it.


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