
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sims 3: The Price Family (part 12)

Mercedes finishes her meal, then gets Taye ready for bed.
Taye is cleaned up and ready to go to sleep.  Mercedes hopes that he will sleep through the night.
To everyone’s relief, Taye almost sleeps through the night.
 In the early morning, his empty tummy wakes him up and he is ready to eat immediately.
Taye screams until almost everyone in the house wakes up.
Lexus is the first up.  Although she’s glad that he made it until morning, she still could have used a few more hours of sleep.
Lexus really wishes that she had her own room.
Mercedes grabs Taye out of his crib.
Lexus is excited about her lunch date with Terrance .  She looks through her dresser to find something decent to wear.  She’s not ready to tell her mom about her feelings for Terrance, but she really wishes she had her mom’s help in picking an outfit.
Notzo is the last to wake up.  He has no idea what he is going to do with himself today. 
Taye is still upset.  He has no patience. He wants his breakfast now. 
He does not calm down until his food is in front of him.
Mercedes discovers that Notzo never put the leftovers away after eating last night.  The sushi has spoiled and She’s not very happy about throwing it away.
Mercedes loves Notzo, but she has quickly discovered that neatness is not one of his traits.  She tries not to be too annoyed with him.
Mercedes begins breakfast.
Lexus receives a call from Terrance.  He wants to know if Mercedes is available this morning to do a quick makeover.  He wants to look good for their lunch date today.
Notzo decides that his day off would be best served by spending time with his son and teaching him to walk.
Mercedes finishes up the pancakes,
while Lexus heads outside to wait for Terrance to arrive.
Terrance arrives a few minutes later.  He is happy to see Lexus outside waiting for him.
“I was worried all night that you wouldn’t want to go out with me today.”
“Well you worried for no reason, because I was looking forward to it all night.”
Terrance is so happy to hear those words that he grabs Lexus into a hug.  Lexus is sure that she is going to melt right here on her mother’s front porch.
“Why do you want my mom to give you a makeover?  I think you look just fine the way you are.”

“This date is special to me.  I want to look as good as possible.”
Mercedes comes out to the porch.  “So I hear that you are in need of my styling skills.”

“Yes ma’am.”
Mercedes looks Terrance over. “Those pants definitely don’t go with that jacket.” 
“Let’s see…different hair…matching outfit, I think I can work this out.” Mercedes says continuing to study Terrance.
Mercedes works her magic and is happy with the results.  Terrance is now ready for his date with Lexus.

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