
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 20)

Lexus feels as if she’s just regained sight after being blind for 17 years.  Notzo taking over last night and telling her how much he cares about her is pivotal.
Mercedes and Notzo wake up at the same time.  They could both use more sleep after being up late worrying about Lexus, but they have to be at work in a few hours.
Lexus doesn’t want her mother to ruin her mood with a lecture, so she hides out in the bathroom for as long as she can using cleaning as an excuse.
After she has cleaned everything that she possibly could in the bathroom, she sneaks downstairs before her mother is out of the shower.
Like clockwork, her school bus is here at 8 on the dot.  She sprints for the bus.
Right on Lexus’ heels, Notzo heads for his carpool.  He knows that Lexus is trying to avoid her mother.
Lexus is happy as a lark on her way to school. “I have a father…a father who loves me!”  She thinks to herself.
Terrance is confused by her happy mood when Lexus gets to school.  “Didn’t you get in trouble?”  He asks.

“Yes,” Lexus answers, “but I also found out that I am truly loved!”
Mercedes gives Taye a big hug before she leaves him with Constance.
Halfway through her workday, she heads to the Red Rendezvous for lunch at the bar.
One of the other bar patrons asks Mercedes how she’s doing today.

“Terrible,” she answers, “I’m having teenage daughter troubles.”
He chuckles.  “I’ve been there and I don’t envy you!  Mine’s ran away twice when she was a teen, but now as an adult, she’s the dream daughter.”  Mercedes can’t help but chuckle a little to herself. She knows that overall, Lexus is a great kid.
As the end of the school day approaches, Lexus’ good mood begins to wear off because she knows she has to face her mom.
She invites her classmate, Wendy, over to study for exams.  Surely her mother won’t lecture her in front of a friend.
Lexus arrives home and Constance says her goodbyes to Taye. Constance and Taye are beginning to form a nice rapport.
Lexus and Wendy arrive at the Price home.  Wendy wanders upstairs and begins to play with Taye.
Lexus should be studying, but decides to try out Notzo’s trampoline instead.
Notzo arrives home and sees Lexus out on the trampoline.  He heads inside to change into his athletics gear so that he could join her. While upstairs, he spots Wendy playing with Taye.
Just as he gets back outside, Lexus takes a tumble off the trampoline. She’s OK.  The only thing hurt is her pride.  Notzo helps her up.
Notzo asks Lexus about her friend.
Lexus lets him know that it’s Wendy from school who came over to study. 
That reminds Notzo of something that he wanted to tell Lexus, ”I finally finished my book.  It’s doing pretty well and my agent sent me a copy of  it,” he pauses, “I want you to have my only copy.”
Lexus is shocked, “You want to give me the only copy of your book!  Why me and not Taye- your real child?”
“I may not be your biological father, but you’re just as real in my heart as Taye is.”

“So you want to give me your book… your only copy,” Lexus repeats just to be sure she’s hearing correctly.
“You’re my only daughter…
…and you’re the oldest, you should have it.”
Once again, Lexus is close to tears.  “That means a lot to me Notzo,she says, voice quivering.
“It will mean a lot to me if you accept this gift from my heart.”
Lexus takes the book from Notzo.  “I will cherish it forever,” she vows.

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