
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 21)

Lexus is deeply touched by the gesture that Notzo has made by giving her his only copy of his completed book. She’s ready to end her day and is way too tired to study.
Lexus lets Wendy know that she’ll meet her at the library at school tomorrow.  Wendy tells her how much she’s enjoyed playing with Taye.
Lexus likes Wendy, but at times she talks too much.  Lexus really wants to go to sleep.
Lexus says goodbye to Wendy and to Lexus’ relief, Wendy finally leaves.
Lexus’ cell phone rings just as she is getting ready to change into her pajamas.  She checks the caller id.  It’s not Terrance so she’s not interested in answering. 
As soon as Lexus begins to drift off to sleep, Mercedes arrives home and wakes her. 
“Lexus, get up, I need to speak with you,”  Mercedes says.

Lexus reluctantly gets out of bed. “Here we go,” she says under her breath.  Mercedes ignores it.
Mercedes doesn’t hurry while she changes Taye into his pajamas and begins to place him in his crib.  The suspense is too much for Lexus.  If her mother is going to yell at her, she wants her to hurry and get it over with so she can get back to bed.
“Mama, I –” Lexus begins trying to explain.  But Mercedes shushes her.
“Not here, Taye is trying to go to sleep,” Mercedes says, “ meet me downstairs.”
Lexus tries to gauge her mother’s mood.  She doesn’t seem to be too upset.  She’s actually strangely calm.  Lexus hurries downstairs.
Mercedes soon follows.  “Lexus, you’re almost a woman, so I’m not going to lecture you.  Instead, I want to tell you a story…
Not too long ago, I was a very young woman, not much older than you are now.  When I first moved to Twinbrook, I was new to town and I didn’t know anyone...
I was walking in front of the theatre one day when I hear a deep voice say ‘hey there gorgeous’ I turned and saw the most handsome man.  Of course this wasn’t the first handsome man I’d ever seen, but this one was talking to me…
I remember being mesmerized by his eyes.  I saw truth and kindness in them. I was willing to lose myself in them.  I believed that whatever he said to me was true, because I took collateral in those eyes, and his smile…
Well, I did begin to lose myself. I didn’t know how to concentrate on anything else because I longed for just one more minute with this man. I was willing to give up a lot for him and I did.  I gave up my discernment.  I gave up my heart. I gave it all to your father.”
Lexus begins to cry at the mention of her father, Kamal. Mercedes continues, “Now Terrance is nothing like your father.  Terrance is a great guy and I’d love to see the two of you dating and falling in love, but Lexus – you can’t give up everything…
I know you quit your job.  I called the spa after you did not come home.  I always felt that a part-time job was too much for you anyway, but I don’t want to see you give up on your dream of becoming a surgeon.  If you do, you’ll hate yourself later…
I’m saying all of this to say that I love you.  You make me proud and I know that you’re very bright and capable of making your own decisions.  It’s OK to love, but don’t lose yourself in love.” Lexus takes her mother’s words to heart. 

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