
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 22)

Once again, Notzo’s hard work and determination has paid off!  He has been promoted to vice squad in the special agent branch of law enforcement.  Twinbrook has just become a safer place.
However, he’s not interested in celebrating himself.  It’s all about Taye, who is having a birthday today.
Taye ages up to school age.
Now that Taye is getting bigger, the house feels that much smaller.  It’s time for Lexus to prepare to move out once she ages up to an adult.
Today is a big day.  It’s Lexus birthday – the day she becomes an adult.  Innocent Taye is oblivious, all he’s interested in is playing outside on the trampoline…
While the rest of the family is planning for Lexus’ big move.  They sit together and sort out the available finances.  Notzo and Mercedes plan on helping Lexus out as much as they can to buy a small home until she can afford to move into a more permanent residence.
A party has been planned for Lexus at the Red Rendezvous.  The Price family pile up into the car and head to the bar.
Although Lexus is excited about becoming an adult, She’s also afraid to leave her family.  Will this be the last car ride they take together?
Lexus’ guests begin to arrive just as the Price family enters the bar.
Lexus, Taye and Notzo get ready to change into their formal wear for the party.
Lexus and her half-brother Clark enjoy the foosball table while the other guests find other forms of entertainment.
Lexus’ great mood improves even more once Terrance arrives.  He joins Lexus and Clark at the foosball table.
There are no other children at the party, so Taye goes off alone and entertains himself with video games.
Notzo and his police partner Goodwin joke about the humorous side of police work and some of the dumb criminals they have encountered.
Mercedes orders a round of drinks for the party guests.
Mercedes gives Lexus the first drink.
Mercedes holds back tears as she thinks of her baby girl growing up and becoming a woman.
Everyone gathers around as Lexus prepares to blow out her candles.
Lexus is grateful that so many people have gathered here to celebrate with her as she crosses over into adulthood.
She looks around at her family and friends.  She really doesn’t need a wish because her wish has already come true.
She waits another moment to make sure that everyone is in position before she blows out her candles.
Lexus comes up with a wish at the last minute and blows out her candles.
The bar erupts in cheer after the candles are blown out.
Shouts, screams and noise makers fill the air as Lexus ages up.
Lexus is now a clumsy, friendly, ambitious, dramatic adult who loves the outdoors.

She has planned a surprise for Terrance.  She heads outside to the car to get it out of the trunk.  
Wendy enjoys a drink at the bar.  Notzo joins her there.
Lexus returns with a surprise birthday cake for Terrance.  It’s not quite his birthday, but that just makes it more of a surprise.
Terrance is shocked and touched that Lexus has decided to share the spotlight with him on her special day.
Notzo decides help the party out by trying his hand at playing the keyboard,
Bunny and Clark enjoy a dance together,
Wendy sits back and listens to the upbeat music
and Mercedes gifts Terrance a birthday makeover.
Lexus thinks that Terrance looks terrific.  She gets lost in his big blue eyes as they dance.
Terrance thanks Lexus for such a wonderful surprise.
Taye is the only one not very happy.  He complains to Notzo about not having any children to play with.
Lexus’ party is a huge success!  Her guests leave the party raving about how much fun they had.  Lexus drives home to grab a few last items.
A taxi arrives to take her to her new home.
Lexus walks through the night fog to her new home.  “Am I ready to live here all by myself?” She asks herself out loud.
She nervously runs up to the front door.  The house is tiny, but it’s all her family could afford. 
She opens the door to a small, dank space.  “This is going to take some getting used to,” she says with a sigh.
The small shack needs a lot of work, but she’s determined to make it a home…
…At least temporarily.
Lexus unpacks her few belongings and attempts to settle into this new chapter of her life.

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