
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 26)

Zawadi returns home from her first day of school and finds her mother in the garden.
She walks over and greets Sephora, telling her about her first day of school.  

“Do you have any homework?” Sephora asks. 

“Yes, but it’s easy.  I’ll go do it now.”
Zawadi leaves her mom outside and heads inside the house to begin her work.
So far, school is easy and fun for Zawadi.  She even met a new friend.
Zawadi quickly finishes her homework and puts her new easel to use. 
Sephora finishes up her work in the garden before beginning a new stone sculpture.
Tonight’s dinner is Stu Surprise.  Sephora’s cooking has improved tremendously since her first attempts.
 Zawadi is not too impressed with tonight’s offerings.  She just stares at the plate.

“Eat your food Zawadi,” Sephora gently chides.
 Zawadi takes a small spoonful and moves it close to her lips, but pauses at her mouth.  “I don’t like it!”  She whines without ever tasting it.

Sephora glares in disapproval.
“Zawadi, eat!”  Sephora says with a bit more force.

Zawadi stares at the seemingly endless amount of food on her plate.  She can just feel her stomach churning in protest at even the thought of eating any of her meal.
 “Zawadi, you need to at least try it!”

Zawadi reluctantly puts a spoonful in her mouth.  It doesn’t taste bad, but she has already developed a psychological aversion against the meal, so to her, it’s the worst thing she’s ever eaten.
 Sephora gets up to go to the bathroom, satisfied that Zawadi is eating her food.  Zawadi on the other hand see’s Sephora leaving the room as an opportunity to get out of finishing her food. 
As soon as the bathroom door closes, Zawadi hops out of her seat and grabs her plate.
 She places Sephora’s plate on top of her own to hide her full plate, in case Sephora re enters the room, and throws all the food out in the sink.  She washes both dishes hoping that it will distract Sephora from discovering what she’s done.
 Zawadi is sleepy, but she decides to stay up and watch TV after changing into her pajamas.  She wants to be up when her daddy comes home from work.
 It’s after 11 by the time Miles gets there.  Although it’s late, he’s happy to see Zawadi up waiting for him.
“Hey pretty, what are you doing up?”  Miles asks before sitting down to watch TV with Zawadi.
 “I wanted to ask you about music.” Zawadi answers saying the first thing that comes to mind.  She figures that she’d better have a good excuse to be up past her bedtime.
 “Music?  What did you want to know?”  Miles says seeing through Zawadi’s attempt to stay up longer.

“Umm…”Zawadi hadn’t thought past this point.  “Umm…what’s it like to play the guitar?”
 “It’s just like coming home to see your pretty face everyday…it feels great.”

Sephora reenters the room unhappy that Zawadi is not in bed. Zawadi desperately tries to think of something else to ask her father.
“Zawadi, why are you still up?” Sephora asks.
 “I had to ask daddy an important question.”  Zawadi says in a serious tone.

“It’s past 11, you should be in bed.” 

“She had to ask me an important question,”  Miles repeats in Zawadi’s defense.
Sephora thinks it’s cute that Miles is trying to defend Zawadi, but she knows that he is being a push over.  She has to be the tough one in this situation.  “Bed,” she says putting a lot of emphasis and meaning behind this one word.
Zawadi gets up, but she still wants to avoid going to bed.  “But I had another question-”

“Bed, now!”  Sephora repeats, making the words sound final.
Zawadi heads toward her room without saying anything else.  Sephora is finding it hard not to giggle at Zawadi’s determination to stay up past her bedtime.

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