
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 27)

 Zawadi is finally in bed and Sephora goes to put the leftovers away in the refrigerator.  Miles stands up and walks toward her.  He realizes that they still have an unresolved issue standing between them.  He doesn’t want to go to sleep another night with that on his mind.
“Sephora, are you still mad about the whole band thing? If you are, you have every right to be.  I should have told you about starting a band.”

“Mad? No, I actually feel sort of stupid for being so close minded about the whole thing.  I was hoping you weren’t still mad at me.”
 “I’m not mad,  I’m actually flattered.”

“Flattered?  About what?”
 “That a woman like you thinks enough of me to be jealous.”
Sephora smiles.  “Well I was jealous because I couldn’t bare it if you were staring at another woman the way you are looking at me right now.”

“That’ll never happen babe.  You are the only one for me.”
Sephora and Miles, both glad to have cleared the air between them, walk to their bedroom hand in hand; happy to be standing on solid ground once again.
The next day is Miles’ birthday.  Sephora has redecorating on her mind once again.  This time she’d like to work on their bedroom.
Sephora makes a quick meal in the kitchen. 
Sephora and Zawadi sit down to eat.  “Momma, would it be ok if I move my easel outside?  I think I can paint better there.”

“Of course Zawadi.  Even as a baby, you were happier outside.”
Miles wakes up and takes care of a few chores.  He is thinking that he’d like to go to the new club up the hill to celebrate his birthday tonight.  It would also give him a chance to check it out as a possible spot for the ‘Skinny Dippers’ to play.
Zawadi finishes up her first painting and then tries to figure out how she is going to move her easel outside.
Miles finally has free time to try out his birthday gift that was delivered yesterday.
Like a moth to light, Miles is drawn to it.  He sits down to learn to play his new keyboard.
Sephora helps Zawadi move her easel outside before going out to care for her garden.
Zawadi can already feel her creative juices flowing now that her easel is outside, satisfying both her artistic and outdoor lover traits.
Miles calls Juan at work to ask for an unpaid day off to celebrate his birthday.
Juan is cool with it and wishes Miles a great birthday.  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…actually that pretty much leaves nothing out,” Juan chuckles before hanging up with Miles.
Miles and Sephora get dressed and ready to celebrate a night out.

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