
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 28)

Miles and Sephora head up the hill to Club DYTO ( Dance Your Tail Off) the new dance club.
There are not many people at the club when they arrive, but Miles and Sephora are determined to have fun anyway.  Miles can feel his party animal trait below the surface just waiting to burst out.
The couple hits the dance floor.  Miles gets into the groove right away, while Sephora is a bit more reluctant.
They haven’t danced like this since they were dating.  It feels great to let loose a little.
“I think I can use a drink,” Sephora says.  She needs a little help getting out of mommy mode.
Miles and Sephora enjoy another song before they head over to the bar.
Being here at the club brings back a lot of memories of the couple’s early days together.  They really had a lot of fun.  She hopes that they’ll have more moments to rekindle those memories.
Miles goes over to the bar and orders two drinks.  The mixologist’s skills are impressive.
While his drinks are being mixed, Miles can’t help but think that this would be a great spot for the band to play…on a more crowded night of course.
Miles hands Sephora her drink and takes a large sip of his own.
“This is great,” Sephora says.  She realizes that she has been spending far too much time in the house.  She needs to start getting out more and meeting people.
Miles can feel his drink begin to take over. 
Sephora chats with the mixologist while Miles considers hopping on the bar and getting his groove on.
Back at home, Zawadi is not too happy about being left at home with a babysitter.  She creates a painting that expresses her feeling of being left behind.
Her babysitter Keenan is nice, but she would rather be spending time with her mom and dad right now.
Meanwhile Miles, who has been deprived of expressing his party animal trait for far too long, gives in to his impulse and hops on the bar and starts to dance.
He does a few of his best moves up high for everyone to see.
Sephora is also feeling good and far less subconscious.  She returns to the dance floor as the speakers continue to pump out fast paced hip hop and pop music.
Miles sees Sephora having a great time and hops down off the bar to join her.
Time to celebrate Miles’ birthday.  Everyone in the club joins in on the celebration.
Miles is now a full fledged adult. 
At home, Zawadi has Stu Surprise for dinner again.  Suddenly she realizes that Stu Surprise doesn’t taste so bad after all.  She quickly eats everything on her plate and gets ready for bed.
Miles attempts to call up a few friends on his cell before realizing how late it is.  One too many drinks have clouded his judgment…and sense of time.
Miles is hungry, but the downstairs bar tender is too busy partying to serve anyone.  Miles decides to head up to the VIP bar.
The bouncer denies him because of his lack of celebrity status, so Miles slips her a few dollars.
She lowers the velvet rope and lets Sephora and Miles enter.  Miles has another drink on his mind, but he’s already having a tough time keeping his balance, so he decides against it.
They approach the bar and order something to eat.
Miles is starving at this point. 
He’s so hungry that he could probably gobble down his hot wings in one gulp, but he takes his time.
The shuffle board has captured Sephora’s attention, so she tries a few rounds to satisfy her curiosity.
Sephora has a quick adverse thought about Miles and his hot wings, but she lets it pass.  She won’t get into a discussion about eating meat tonight.  She is having too much fun.
“You ready to go home yet?”  Sephora asks, noticing how tired Miles looks.
Miles doesn’t answer with words.  Instead he grabs Sephora into an embrace and gives her a seductive kiss.
Keenan has made sure that Zawadi is in bed and sits and watches TV while waiting for the Wards to return home.
Zawadi is fast asleep when Miles and Sephora finally make it home.
Miles and Sephora look around to make sure that everything appears OK.
They dismiss Keenan and quickly check in on Zawadi before walking into their bedroom where Sephora has prepared a surprise for Miles, a newly decorated room.
Miles and Sephora cuddle on the bed, happy to have had an opportunity to spend a terrific night together.  

Note: The Ward bedroom wall texture (A Textured Touch 3)  is available here:  

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