
Monday, January 17, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 15)

Destiny tells Drake about being invited to the Prosper Room.  They get dressed up and head to the very exclusive lounge.
Destiny heads upstairs to the VIP lounge.  She watches the bouncer as she walks in, but he doesn’t move.  Having celebrity status is still a bit surreal to Destiny.
Drake, unable to get into the VIP lounge, heads to the bar in the regular lounge. He decides to chat with the bartender.
Destiny sits at the bar to try out the new drink.  The bartender is glad to see her.  “I can’t wait to tell the owner that you actually showed up!” She says excitedly.
Destiny wants to appear to be very important and busy, “Yes I was glad to find time in my busy schedule to be here.”
Drake continues to chat with the bartender downstairs.  “So what level of skill would I have to have to moonlight in a high class bar like this?”

“Probably more than you currently have. The drinks at this bar are far more expensive than other bars, so the mixologist has to be very skilled.”
The mixologist in the VIP lounge is very skilled.  She puts on an impressive show while making Destiny’s drink.   Destiny tries not to appear overly impressed, although she’s never seen anyone mix a drink with such skill before.
The bartender places the finished drink in front of Destiny.  “So what is this drink called?” 

“It’s a special secret blend.  It’s not named yet.” The bartender answers. “But we’d love to name it after you.”  Destiny puts a lot of effort into hiding her excitement and shock.

She takes a sip and is immediately blown away.  It’s the best tasting drink she’s ever had.  After she takes a sip, the bartender slides her an envelope with 1,000 simoleons enclosed.

“That’s for helping us promote the drink.” The bartender says.  
 While waiting for Destiny, Drake walks over to the stage to listen to the pianist. 
Destiny finishes her drink.  She still cannot believe that she was actually paid just to try a new drink.  She is loving her new celebrity status.  “I don’t think I could ever go back to a regular life.” She thinks to herself.
Destiny heads downstairs to get Drake.  The Prosper Room is dead tonight.  She’s ready to go and find out where the action is.
Before they leave, Destiny joins Drake for a dance.  The music in the Prosper Room is great.
“You really are a good dancer,” Destiny finally admits.

“Told you.” Drake answers.
Drake and Destiny leave the Prosper Room and head out to the Aquarius club.  Turns out that this is the hot spot for the night.
Everyone in the lobby piles into the elevator.
Destiny and Drake head into the VIP area briefly to enjoy the bubble blower.
The flavored bubbles put them in very good moods.
Feeling pretty mellow now, Destiny and Drake head upstairs.
Drake is surprised that he was allowed to visit the VIP area with Destiny, despite his lack of celebrity status.  He heads upstairs to the hot tub.
Destiny joins Drake in the hot tub.
Something about the warm water and bubbles make Drake and Destiny feel very romantic.
Drake pulls Destiny in for a kiss.  
Things begin to heat up a lot more than Destiny is comfortable with.
 Destiny pulls back.

“Come on Destiny, we’re the only ones here.” Drake pleads

“No Drake!  What type of girl do you think I am?  I refuse to do this right now.  It could damage my celebrity status.”
 Drake feels rejected and Destiny feels insulted that Drake would even try to woohoo in a public place.
 “Don’t be mad Drake.  I’m just not ready for that.”

Drake is angry.  He refuses to spend another moment in the hot tub with Destiny.
Drake takes a walk of shame toward the bar.
 Destiny is sort of glad to have the hot tub to herself.  “Ah, this is the life.”  She thinks to herself. 

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