
Monday, January 17, 2011

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 16)

Note: This post is a big more suggestive than the other parts of the Hamilton - Boyd storyline. Some parts may not be suitable for youngins.

Drake cannot believe that Destiny continues to reject his woohoo advances.  He thought the fact that they live together now would make her more open to them being together. No such luck.
Drake sits down at the bar and orders a shrimp cocktail.  “Are you alright?”  The bartender asked.

“I’m fine, just embarrassed, but I’ll get over it.” Drake admits.
Destiny sits in the hot tub for a while, then she thinks about the pretty bartender at the bar.  She wants to make sure that Drake isn’t flirting. “What are you doing Drake?”  She asks.

Drake refuses to look Destiny in the eye.  “Just grabbing a bite to eat.”
Drake is feeling starved for both food and affection from Destiny.  He just doesn’t know how long he can take rejection from her.
The delicious shrimp cocktail helps to satisfy part of his hunger.
The other part can only be fulfilled by Destiny. Destiny ignores Drake’s dramatics, “I’d like an order of sushi.”

The bartender recognizes Destiny, “Hey your Destiny Hamilton!” 
The bartender gives Destiny her sushi at a discount.  For some reason, the fact that Destiny is getting extra attention only helps to make Drake feel worse.
Destiny goes to the end of the bar to grab a seat.
Drake gets up from the bar feeling even more dejected.  There’s only one thing that can make him feel better.
Destiny eats her sushi amused at Drake’s mood. 
Drake dances on the dance floor and immediately feels better.
Destiny finishes her meal.  Just as she gets up from the bar, their favorite song from high school comes on. “Are you going to dance with me Drake?  You know this is our song.”
Drake would love to remain mad, but he can’t resist dancing with Destiny to their favorite song.
It’s now after 4 and the Aquarius club is closed for the night.  Drake and Destiny take a ride down the elevator with the bartender and the bouncer.

For some reason, Drake feels really odd when the bouncer passes him.  He suddenly feels hunted, but that doesn’t make sense to him so he puts it out of his mind.
Drake and Destiny change back into their regular clothes.  Destiny hopes that her continued rejection of Drake won’t begin to turn him away from her.
She grabs his hands.  She knows that Drake has been wanting to woohoo with her since they’ve been together, but she’s just not ready.  She‘s not trying to lead him on, but she’s not 100% sure about their relationship yet.
Drake knows that Destiny is often hurt that people look at her and assume that she’s promiscuous.  That is why he has never pressured her for woohoo, but her continued resistance makes him question if she really loves him.
The sun is up now and Drake is exhausted.  They head to the subway.
The subway is quiet and calm on this weekend morning.  It appears that Drake and Destiny have out partied everyone in town.
Drake and Destiny relax on the bed.  Drake has woohoo on his mind.  He doesn’t know how much longer he can lay next to Destiny every night, feeling her warm body next to him, without being physically fulfilled by it.
“Drake I’m sorry that I keep rejecting you.  You know I want you, but I just don’t know why I can’t go there right now.”
“Destiny, you know that I would never hurt you.  I don’t know what’s happened to you in the past, but I want to make it all better for you.”  Drake moves in closer and attempts to kiss Destiny.
“No Drake, I can’t.”  She says stopping his advances once again.

Drake is frustrated with desire.  “What is it Destiny?  I can’t take any more of your teasing with your skimpy outfits.  I’m a man with manly needs.”  He doesn’t mean to sound so harsh, but his body is tense with needs.
“I’m sorry Drake.  It’s just that…” Destiny begins, but she’s not sure what to say, so she uses a filler, “…I’m not ready.”
“I don’t know why I feel this way…let’s just go to sleep.”
“You’re going to have to stop leading me on woman.  I’m dying here.”

“Drake, stop with the dramatics.  I’m tired…let’s go to sleep.”
 Drake falls to sleep immediately despite his disappointment, but Destiny finds herself having trouble quieting her mind.  She knows that she’ll eventually have to tell Drake why she has issues when it comes to woohooing, but she just can’t bring herself to do it right now.

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