
Friday, February 4, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 19)

Destiny is two hours into her workout.  She is exhausted and smelly, but determined to push herself just a bit further.  
 At home Drake finishes the mixology book and is re-motivated and ready to increase his skill.
He steps over to his bar and grabs the ingredients for a mix that he has yet to perfect.  He mixes, shakes and mixes some more.
The drink fizzles just as it should and he is confident that he has finally made the perfect drink.  A smile lights up his face.  
 At the gym, Destiny finishes her workout and takes a shower.  She is relieved to see that Tom is still at the gym.  He still looks extremely grumpy, but Destiny has a feeling that he is waiting for her. 
 “Still here?”  Destiny asks.

turns and is taken aback by Destiny’s improved appearance. Yeah, I was waiting for you…you look hot.”

 “So tell me again how you can help me with my new release.” Tom says.

Destiny goes into full details about how putting her in his video would give his career a boost.  Surprisingly Tom is all ears.

Tom looks deep in thought, but he doesn’t respond.

“So what do you think?”  Destiny asks; unable to read his expression.
 Tom just stares.  Destiny wishes she could see his eyes, so she could brace herself for his most likely negative response.
 “Tom, this would be a win-win situation,”  Destiny says trying to further convince him.  Still he doesn’t respond.
 Destiny allows him this moment.  She doesn’t say a word.
 “My manager will be in touch with your agent.  I like how you think, consider me a new friend.  I’ll hit you up later.” Tom says.

For once, Destiny is speechless.  She didn’t expect him to respond this way.  Destiny has managed to impress Tom
 Tom and Destiny head to the elevator.  Tom is deep in thought while Destiny feels as if she’s on cloud nine.
 Destiny calls Drake and tells him to meet her at the park near Hogan’s diner.   Now that her career is moving in the right direction, she wants to make sure that her relationship is moving as well.  She has some things that she wants to discuss over lunch with Drake.
 “Hey Destiny, I’m glad you called me here.”
 “Are you hungry?  I thought we could have lunch and talk.  I haven’t been fair to you and I have some things that I want to clear up.”
 Drake and Destiny sit through a short silent cab ride to the diner. Drake is hopeful that whatever Destiny has on her mind will serve as the gateway to them developing a more intimate relationship.
 Drake watches Destiny as she heads toward the diner.  He attempts to assess her mood to know what to expect from their conversation.  He decides to just go with the flow and follows her into the diner.
 Over lunch, Destiny recounts bits of her painful school memories to Drake.  She reveals the hurt and humiliation she often felt walking through the school halls.  She finishes in near tears describing how she was unfairly expelled from a private school that she loved and how those events have affected her view of her body and intimacy.
 Destiny, feeling extremely exposed and vulnerable, leaves the diner and walks around to the back where she can view the Bridgeport bay.  Drake follows her.
 “Why didn’t you tell me sooner Destiny?  I love you and would have helped you work through it.”

“I know Drake, but it’s not easy to talk about it.  I don’t even like to think about it.”
 “I am so sorry that you have been hurt so badly.  I would do anything to make it all up to you.”
 “Drake, it’s not your responsibility.  This is my problem to work out.”

“Babe, if you have a problem, then I have a problem.  We are in this together.”  

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