
Friday, February 4, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 20)

 Destiny stares at herself the morning after her lunch with Drake.  Can I really open my heart fully and let Drake in? She asks herself.  While opening up to him yesterday, she could see that Drake truly loves her.   
 Destiny is on her way to recovering from her past, but to fully start the journey, she needs to love herself fully.  She decides to give herself a new start with a new look.  To be a star, she has to look like a star and feel like a star.
Destiny heads to the salon down the street.
 She walks into the salon looking around for a stylist that she can trust to make her feel beautiful.
 She steps up on the platform in front of a full size mirror.  Goodbye, she silently whispers to the hurt little girl inside her.   Hurt, pain and pity has no place in the new world that Destiny is looking to enter.  Today is the first day of the rest of my life, Destiny says repeating a quote she heard a teacher say once in school.
 The stylist walks over and discusses possible styles for Destiny.  “I want to look glamorous!”  She says summarizing her goal for this makeover in five words.
 The stylist picks out an outfit.  Destiny reluctantly tries it on.

 “No, no, no!” She says.  “What are you trying to do, end my career?  This won’t do, start over!”  She demands.  “I want to shimmer and shine like the jewel that I am!”

“Got you!”  The stylist says apologetically.
 The stylist picks out a dress and styles Destiny’s hair.  Destiny closes her eyes as she walks over to the mirror.  She opens them after taking a deep breath.  When she opens them, the old Destiny is gone.

Destiny examines her full weave and her short gown that shimmers and shines with her every movement. Before her stands a star. 
 “Now you got it.”  Destiny says. 
 Destiny receives a discount on her makeover because of her celebrity status and walks out of the salon behind four star celebrity Emmy, feeling every bit as glamorous.
 Destiny is ready to fully conquer this town, leaving her footprints everywhere she goes.  She takes a taxi to work.
 Drake wakes up and enters the subway.
 He heads to the sports bar to thank Heimrich, the bouncer, for the book suggestion.

“Hey man, I wanted to thank you for letting me know about the book.”
 “No problem.  That book was written by my great grandfather.  I thought you’d get something out of it.”
Drake and Heimrich bump fists before Drake turns to leave for work.  He is already over an hour late.
 Destiny has finished work for the day.  She’s been invited to a party, but could not leave work to get there on time.  She hopes that being two hours late can still be considered fashionable and not just rude.

She hops in a cab and hears a familiar sarcastic voice, “ so where are you heading dolled up like a black Barbie?”
 “What is your problem with me?  Why do you have something smart to say every time I’m in your cab?”

“I don’t mean nothing by it.  I can just see where you’re heading is all.  I’ve been there.”  The cabby answers after a brief pause.
 “Well can you please let me head there in peace?”  Destiny says, not at all curious or interested in the slight warning tone she detects in the cabby’s answer.

“Sure, but when you’re ready to hear the dirty truth about this town, then find me.”  The cabby answers.
“Thanks, but I don’t need a mother.”  Destiny says before stepping out of the cab; slamming the door behind her.

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