
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 21)

Tania holds her nose and dumps her whole head into the warm bathwater after she sleeps the morning and most of the afternoon away.
Although she has scrubbed and rubbed her body until it is red and raw, she can still smell the soot and grime as if it has burned a permanent trace inside of her nose.
Tania stays in the tub for over an hour, before dressing and heading to town to meet with Berthe.  Berthe hands her another key and assigns more parts of the Landgraab mansion to explore and photograph.
Tania is visibly nervous as she tries to keep her lunch down.  She’s not looking forward to revisiting the Landgraab mansion.
She heads to Monsieur Pivert’s shop.  There she runs into Estelle Fouchier, a French photographer whose work she has recognized in recent issues of the National Simographic.
Tania approaches Estelle, who is happy to give her tips on the type of photos the National Simographic editors like to include in their magazine.
Estelle has to run.  Tania walks over to Monsieur Pivert to check in with him.
Once again, Tania is greeted with a kiss on each cheek.
Monsieur Pivert avoids getting straight to business.  Instead he engages Tania in a story of some of his travels.
Tania is impressed by the depth of Monsieur Pivert’s storytelling.
She can almost see the gold in his hands as he speaks of a particular adventure he had in an underground tomb in Egypt.
Finally Monsieur Pivert gets around to asking Tania how her assignments are going.
Tania describes the photos that she has managed to take so far; leaving out her little mishap at the Landgraab mansion.
Her storytelling is not nearly as captivating as his, but Monsieur Pivert listens attentively.
After Tania has finished her story, she tells Monsieur Pivert that Berthe is very interested in getting to know him better. He seems happy to hear that.
Once again, the sun goes down, the stars appear and Tania finds herself in front of the Landgraab mansion.  Without the help of nectar to calm her nerves, Tania gulps down anxiety and fear.
She begins tonight’s assignment at the spooky little ground keepers shack, located in back of the Landgraab property.
After unsuccessfully trying to enter the gate at the front of the shack, she walks around and finds an unlocked side gate.
Tania looks down a set of stairs at the back of the shack.  As much as she’d love to avoid being inside the Landgraab Mansion, she’d rather be there facing traps, than go underground again.
As soon as she reaches the bottom of the staircase, she’s slapped in the face with the strong smell of moist hay.  The lack of circulating air makes it almost hard to breathe. 
For the first time in as long as she can remember, Tania doesn’t feel like taking any pictures.  She reluctantly takes out her camera and snaps photos of the hay and some objects located on the lone table in the tiny underground chamber.
Tania grabs the heart shaped keystone off the table and puts in to good use, upstairs, in the keyhole near the front door of the shack.
Tania stares at the familiar glow that appears when the keystone and hole unite. She almost wants to avoid entering the shack after she hears the door unlock with a click.
Tania enters the shack and her eyes are immediately drawn to a glowing chest in the corner of the tiny room.
Inside the chest, Tania finds ancient coins and French relics.  She grabs it all after taking pictures.
Tania receives instruction to visit a few other spots in town.  She takes a few pictures of some of the French architecture…
…and a lonely cemetery.
The full moon is high in the sky before Tania once again returns to the mansion.  She is confused at the instructions that keep sending her back & forth, but she’s anxious to finish, so she obeys.
By the time Tania enters the foyer of the mansion, her legs are wobbly from exhaustion.  Her little side trips have gotten the best of her, so she begins to look for a place to rest her weary body.
This is a mansion, so Tania looks around for a bedroom.  She’s sure that she would be reprimanded if someone discovered her asleep in the mansion, but right now she doesn’t care.  She strips down to her underwear, blows off some of the dust on the bedspread, pulls back the cover – revealing surprisingly clean sheets…
…and falls asleep.  The mansion silently waits for her to continue her mission and outside night slowly continues its timely schedule.
Hours later, Tania is jerked awake by an unfamiliar sound.  She’s dazed and confused until she remembers that she is inside the Landgraab mansion.
Her bladder is full and her head hurts.  She never thought she’d feel this way, but would give anything for a drink right now.
Tania discovers a bathroom adjacent to the bedroom she slept in.  An unexpected sound startles her as she flushes the toilet…
Apparently the toilet was connected to the trapping system in the house, because the flushing served to disarm the electric trap in the next hallway.
Tania dresses and continues exploring the mansion.
She discovers another bathroom.  She flushes the toilet, but nothing happens.
Tania explores the rest of the house until she finds the master bedroom.  “Wow, I should have waited and slept in here,” she says amusing herself.  Tania takes a few last photos of the Landgraab mansion…
…before heading back to the hotel for her last night of sleep here in France.

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