
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 22)

An early morning phone call from Monsieur Pivert reveals to Tania that she has not yet completed her underground exploration of the Forgotten Burial Mound.  There is a second section of the underground tomb that is a lot tougher to discover.  It’s an imperative part of her assignment.  Without it, her photos will not be accepted by the magazine.
With a bit of detective work, Tania finds the second entrance.  Once again, she finds herself staring down stairs that she’d love to avoid descending.
The room at the bottom of the stairs is at least 15 degrees warmer than the air above ground and there is a loud zapping voice that is oddly familiar to Tania.  A large boulder sits in the corner. 
Tania’s magical pickaxe makes quick work of breaking up the large stone.
Behind the stone is a chest which holds the key to Tania’s advancement in this tomb.
A walk around the corner reveals the source of the heat and zapping sounds.  Tania feels faint just staring at the traps that lay ahead of her. 
Her worry was for nothing.  She quickly disarmed the traps and is greeted by another sinister set of dusty Sim remains in the next chamber. Next to the skeleton is a broken pot, magnifying glass and glue.  “What could have killed this person?” Tania asks, but quickly reminds herself that she really doesn't want to know the answer to that.
Although she should feel better about leaving the remains behind, she is even more disturbed when she enters another chamber with a big stone sarcophagus leaning against the wall.
Reason would tell most people that they really don’t want to know what’s in the sarcophagus, but Tania realizes that she left reason behind when she agreed to take this dangerous assignment.  She begins trying to pry open the stone lid.
The lid opens and Tania peeks inside.  She can see nothing but darkness.  “Well nothing came out, so that’s a good sign,” Tania says wondering to herself when she learned to take such a lighthearted approach to potential danger.
Tania slowly reaches her hand into the unending darkness…
She feels around from top to bottom…
All of a sudden, her hand feels a lid of some type and when she opens it, the whole sarcophagus lights up. When her eyes adjust to the brightness, she sees that she found an ancient lamp.  Now that she can see, she grabs the few treasures that are located in the sarcophagus and snaps some photos.
The next room that Tania enters appears to be a dead end.  In front of her is a large pool of water.  Tania climbs up on the side of the well and teeters there for a few moments, relying only on her great balance to keep her from falling in.
Once again throwing logic to the wayside…Tania dives in head first.
It’s not until her body is fully submerged in the water that she realizes that she never checked to see how deep the well was.  Luckily it’s very deep.  In fact it’s so deep, that Tania has to swim down for quite a while before she reaches the bottom.
At the bottom of the well, Tania discovers a passage way.  She is almost out of breathe.  Just as she’s about to open her mouth and breathe in water, her head emerges.  Still a stinging rush of water enters her throat and Tania spends a few minutes coughing and spitting it out.
Tania steps out of the well and sees that she is in another part of the underground system of rooms.
A locked door blocks her way out of this new room.  In the opposite corner is a pile of rubble, but the pick axe takes care of it in one blow.
Underneath the rubble is another keystone.
Tania has reached the last room in the underground tomb.  She is rewarded for her hard work with ancient coins and very valuable metal bars.
Another treasure chest with gold and French relics sits in the corner.  Tania takes everything inside.
Wet, cold and miserable, Tania is glad to be out of the tomb.  With a complete set of photographs and only a few hours left until her flight is scheduled to take her back home to Riverview…
…Tania takes off running. 
As she begins to descend the hill leading away from the forgotten burial ground, she can see her destination…
When she finally reaches the nectary, her clothes are wet with sweat and well water, her ears are water-logged and her hair is matted and in need of a brush…but as she gulps down another cold glass of nectar, Tania is in pure heaven and her taste buds praise.

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