
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 32)

Lexus wakes the next morning and for once, her mother is not on her mind.  She is scheduled to begin her first day of work today. 
Lexus’ nerves are wrecked the entire drive to the hospital.  Her position is entry level, but it is the first step toward realizing her dream of becoming a surgeon.
She runs toward the doors of the hospital with one thought in mind, I feel sick!
Terrance has a day off and spends it studying recipes in his cookbook.
Lexus emerges from the hospital still feeling nauseous.  She thought it was just nerves, but the feeling has stuck with her all day.
Terrance takes one look at her when she gets home and knows that something is wrong.

“Are you ok?” He asks concerned.
Lexus doesn’t get to answer before her stomach contents start churning.  When she’s able to contain it, she answers, “I feel like throwing up!”
Lex, I think you’re pregnant,”  Terrance responds.  He knows the symptoms because his mother has had her fair share of pregnancies.
Lexus tries to laugh it off, “What?  That’s impossible. we only-” She begins.

“That’s all it takes,” Terrance interrupts.
“No, it’s not that.  I think I just ate something,” Lexus says denying the possibility.  It would be just her luck to have to break that news to her mother also. She joins Terrance on the couch to watch TV.
Suddenly her phone rings.  It’s Mercedes.  Lex, I wanted to stop by, but then I realized that I don’t know where my own daughter lives,” Mercedes says with frustration in her voice.

Lexus gives her the address.
Lexus hangs up the phone.  A big wave of nausea rises and Lexus makes it to the bathroom right on time.  “I am pregnant,” she admits to herself.
Lexus goes outside for some fresh air. Her mother is already outside when she gets out there. 
“So why didn’t you tell me?”  Mercedes starts in, “You know I would have wanted to be there.  What…Are you pregnant?”
Lexus ignores the second question, “I didn’t tell you because I knew you would want me to do the rational thing, but there’s nothing rational about love.”
“Yes, but why rush?  Why not wait until you were older?”
“What changes when you get older?  Older people have failed relationships too.”

“I know, but it would have given the two of you time to know each other better.”
“Mom, I’ve known him all my life.  We’ve grown up together.  I know everything there is to know about Terrance.  I know way more about him than you knew about Notzo when you married,” Lexus says.  She knows that adding that last part is risky, but she’s desperate for her mother to see her point.
Lexus is afraid that she’s said too much, but is surprised at Mercedes’ response. “You’re right,” she says.
“I guess it’s so hard to see you growing up.  And I would have loved for us to have planned a big wedding together,” Mercedes says with a touch of sadness.

“I know mom.  I’m sorry.”
Terrance prepares dinner, praying that everything is going well between Lexus and her mother.
“Don’t think I don’t know that you’ve ignored my question.  Are you pregnant?” Mercedes asks once again.
“I think I am mom, but I promise that I wasn’t when we got married.  I mean… we didn’t get married because we weren’t careful or anything.”
“Ok, ok,” Mercedes says. “So what does this mean for your dream of becoming a surgeon?”
“It’s still my dream.  I just started my first day at an entry level position at the hospital.”

“Good!”  Mercedes says with a smile.
Suddenly Mercedes becomes emotional.  “I’m going to be a grandmother.  My baby is having a baby!”
“We don’t know for sure yet mom!”  Lexus says amused.
“Ok, so where’s this son-in-law whose knocked my baby up already?” Mercedes says heading toward the house. Lexus cannot tell whether her mom is joking or being serious, but she’s concerned that her mom is going to confront Terrance.

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