
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 31)

Lexus gathers her nerve and rings the doorbell.  She can hear her mother’s laughing voice right before Mercedes answers the door.
Lexus follows her mother inside.  She greets Notzo quickly  and turns her attention to her mother.
Mercedes and Notzo have company, which makes Lexus uncomfortable.  It’s bad enough telling her mom that she’s married, but to do it in front of another set of ears is twice as bad. “So how’s life in the bayou?” Mercedes asks.
“Um…it’s OK…lonely and sometimes scary,” Lexus answers with half truths. 

“Yes, that‘s how I felt when I first moved in here by myself.”
“So what is it you want to talk to me about?” Mercedes says giving Lexus her full attention.

This makes Lexus even more uncomfortable.  It would be easier if her mother was busy, only half listening. “Um…” she begins.
“Well…Um, somebody broke into my house.”

Mercedes’ expression quickly changes from attentiveness to concern.  “My God Lex, what happened?”
“Nothing really, but I was too scared to stay there, so I moved in with Terrance.”  Mercedes’ face now morphs to anger.  “We’re married now,” Lexus blurts out before Mercedes gets a chance to respond.
Mercedes’ hands snap to her hips and her face is completely distorted in a combination of disappointment and fury.  “When did this happen?”
“Wait mom.  Before you get mad –”

“Too late,” Mercedes interrupts.
“Just hear me out mom,” Lexus pleads.

“No!  What is there to hear?  You come to me talking about being married… I didn’t even know you were thinking about marriage.  And what happened with the house Notzo and I worked so hard to purchase for you?”

“Goodbye Lexus!”  Mercedes says turning her back and walking away.
Lexus knew her mother would be angry, but she thought she’d at least listen to her, not turn her back and walk away.
“Mom…please-” Lexus begins again with tears in her eyes.

“This will always be your home so I won’t ask you to leave, but I’m done with this conversation,” Mercedes says finalizing her side of the discussion.
While Lexus leaves her mother’s home, Terrance leaves work just as the bistro begins its busiest shift.
Lexus is in her car with tears streaming down her face, trying to calm herself before she arrives home.
Terrance returns to an empty house.  “I hope everything is going well for Lexus”, he says out loud remembering that Lexus went to see her mother.
Lexus wants to get her emotions under control before seeing Terrance, so she stops by the local diner for a slice of cheesecake. Outside she runs into a hospital employee, Molly Coddle.  Lexus strikes up a conversation with her and finds out that Molly so happens to be  the supervisor for the job she applied for.  “I remember your application,” Molly says, “You can start tomorrow!”
At home Terrance begins preparing a salad for dinner.
Lexus’ news about getting the job helps to put her in a better mood. She returns home.
 “How did it go?”  Terrance asks at dinner between mouthfuls of salad.

“Well…my mom’s not speaking to me now.”
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there with you.”

“It’s OK.  It’s not like it would have made a difference,” Lexus says in a tone sprinkled with attitude.
Again, Terrance feels bad that his actions have caused a riff between Lexus and her mother.  He knows that Mercedes means the world to Lexus.  He hates to be the cause of any problems between them.
In bed that night, Terrance decides to apologize to Lexus.
“I’m sorry for causing a problem between you and your mother.”
“Why are you apologizing?  It’s not your fault that my mother feels the need to have her hand in everything I do.”
“Yeah, but we should have had a proper wedding…with family surrounding us.”

“Our wedding was perfect for us.  That’s all that counts,” Lexus counters.
“Yeah, it was perfect,” Terrance reflects.

“Of course it was.  She’ll get over it.  Besides that, she practically did the same thing when she married Notzo.”
“So you’re not upset with me?”  Terrance asks hopefully.

“Of course not beautiful, silly man,” Lexus answers seductively.
Then she proceeds to prove it to him.
That night, Lexus finds it hard to sleep.
Her eyes remain wide open throughout the night.  How can she make her mom listen to her?  Will her mother ever forgive her?
She stares at her husband next to her. How can something so hurtful be the result of a love as beautiful as theirs?
As if he can sense her eyes staring at him, Terrance turns to her in his sleep.
She flips over in bed and automatically, Terrance places his arm around her waist.  Only then does peace fill Lexus’ mind. She closes her eyes and sleep quickly finds her.

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