
Monday, March 28, 2011

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 30)

Lexus wants to make sure that she has some pleasant news to tell her mother when she visits tonight.
She searches the hospital job board for any job openings in the medical field.  The least she can do is tell her mother that she is getting a jump start on her career in medicine.
Luckily there’s an opening.  It’s entry level, but Lexus immediately applies.  Anything is better than approaching her mom with a new marriage, but no job.
Meanwhile Terrance hops out of the shower and puts on his work uniform.  Although he loves to cook, he is not happy to be working as a Kitchen Scullion at the bistro.  He would love to quit his job and study the culinary arts on his own.
Terrance takes off his work uniform to find something comfortable to wear.
He picks out a cotton t-shirt and some cargo pants and sits down to study a few new recipes.
Lexus quickly becomes bored.  She settles down at the chess table to work out her mind for a while.
Terrance leaves for work.  He longs for the day when he fulfills his lifetime wish with knowledge of a full culinary library.
He begins his shift at work.  His job is boring and unfulfilling, but he passes the time by getting to know his co-workers.
Bored with chess, Lexus takes a short walk in the neighborhood.
She spots one of her neighbors returning home from work and decides to introduce herself.
She rings the doorbell and is greeted by Justin.
Justin invites Lexus in and welcomes her to the neighborhood.  “Thank you!  It’s such a quaint neighborhood.  Have you lived here long?” Lexus asks.
“We’ve lived here a few years now.  People are friendly here and so far we haven’t had any issues with the neighbors”.
“This is a welcomed change for me.  I grew up in the bayou.  We didn’t really have neighbors, just swamp.”
“Wow!  I bet the cicadas nearly drove you nuts out there.  I couldn’t imagine the noise at night,”  Justin responds.
“It wasn’t so bad.  It was actually quite peaceful…like a night time lullaby,” Lexus says remembering the peace she felt living in her mother’s home.
Lexus glances at a clock and realizes that her mother would be home for work by now.  She says goodbye to Justin and heads to her mother’s house.
A short car ride later and Lexus is standing in front of her childhood home.  She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before she enters to tell her mother of her marriage.

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