
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 29)

Lexus wakes up feeling that everything in her life is almost perfect.
Except one thing that’s been nagging her since she agreed to marry Terrance…
…not telling her mother.  Lexus just can’t shake the fact that she got married and still hasn’t told her mother.
Terrance wakes up and heads downstairs to prepare breakfast.  He hates that he has to leave Lexus alone today, but he has to be at work in a few hours.
Lexus tries to figure out how she’s going to tell her mother that she got married without involving her.
Lexus joins Terrance in the kitchen, trying to figure out why the happiest moment of her life is causing her so much stress. 
Lexus walks over to see what Terrance is cooking.  He has managed to mix his waffle batter to a perfect consistency.  “Wow Terrance, I think you’re a natural cook!”
While cooking the waffles, Terrance gives Lexus news that makes her feel very secure, “While you were getting ready, our new burglar alarm was installed.”
Lexus goes to check it out.  Now she doesn’t have to worry about a thief creeping up on her again.
Terrance’s waffles came out golden brown.  The aroma of freshly cooked waffles fill the air.
The newlyweds sit down to enjoy their first breakfast together. “Is there something on your mind, Lexus?” Terrance asks, sensing that Lexus is deep in thought.
“I’m afraid to tell my mother about us being married.”
“Call her over.  We can tell her together,” Terrance says before leaving the table.
The thought of calling her mother and breaking the news this morning causes Lexus to choke on her waffle.  I don’t know if I can do that, she thinks to herself.
Terrance feels terrible that their marriage is causing Lexus so much distress.  He wishes he would have given Lexus more time.  Maybe they should have waited and had a proper wedding ceremony.
He begins to clean up the kitchen and Lexus manages to finish the rest of her waffles without anymore choking. “OK”, she finally says, “I’m going to call her now.”
Lexus is having trouble dialing her mother’s cell number.  She never thought that she would have such a tough time giving her mother news.  After all, this is the woman who gave birth to her; who has always loved her unconditionally.
Mercedes answers on the second ring, “Hello.”  Lexus cannot think of what to say.  “Hello…Lexus?”  Mercedes says again.
“Hi mom”, she finally spits out, “I was wondering if you could come by this morning.  I need to talk to you.”

“Lex, I’m swamped with clients today.  Just come by the house tonight.  We can talk then,” Mercedes says in a rush.
“Um…OK,” Lexus says, disappointed because Terrance will be working  tonight so she’ll have to go alone.  “I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
Lexus was hoping that she’d have Terrance by her side when she told her mom about their marriage, but now she knows that she’ll have to pay the piper alone.

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