
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 28)

Note: I try to keep my Sim stories as family friendly as possible (since my 9-year-old likes to read them), but this one goes into detail about the nervousness that a new bride may feel on her wedding night.  Some may find it inappropriate for young children.  I just wanted to be sure to put that out there! Thanks for reading, enjoy!
Lexus looks around in disbelief.
The house is full of old fashioned furniture, wallpaper and window fixings.
Lexus is so overwhelmed that she begins to feel lightheaded.  Terrance rushes over, “What’s wrong?  You don’t like it?”  He asks thinking he has let Lexus down.
“I love it, but I don’t understand.  Your dad just gave us this house?”
“Well, sort of.  It was his family home.  He grew up here.  He was going to sell it, but decided to keep it as a rental property.  When he found out I was marrying, he sold it to me for the amount that he still owes on it, which is very little.”
Lexus is stunned. She always knew that Terrance came from money, but she had no idea that his family owned several homes.
Terrance detects concern on Lexus’ face.  “What is it Lex?  If you don’t like it, we can sell it and buy another house…”
“If we put it on the market…we… can – “ Terrance continues, but stops when he sees Lexus shaking her head.
“No…really, I love it.  It’s just that you’ve done so much …and I bring so little to this marriage. I don’t even have a job.”
“So little?  Lexus, I love you!  You make me happy.  You give me something to live for. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve brought me the world!”
Lexus responds with a passionate kiss.  This is indeed the happiest day of her life.
Lexus changes out of her rented wedding dress and gives herself a tour of her new home.  She enters the master bedroom.
The wallpaper and furnishings definitely reflects a different time period.  She’d love to update the whole house into a more modern look.
Lexus enters the kitchen.  It will take a while for her to get used to the idea of living in such a large home.  She imagines herself getting lost among the many rooms.
Terrance heads upstairs and enters the master bedroom.  He knows that the furniture and wallpaper are too old fashion for Lexus.  He looks forward to remodeling their home and making it reflect their taste and style.
He is also looking forward to spending his wedding night being intimate with his new wife.  He starts to remove his clothes, but decides that he doesn’t want to make Lexus uncomfortable so he settles for underwear and a t-shirt.
He relaxes on the bed.  He decides to grab a book so that Lexus does not assume that he only has woo hoo on his mind…although that’s exactly what’s on his mind.
Lexus has a quick snack and takes her time throwing it away.  Tonight is her wedding night and the thought makes her very nervous.  She takes time to calm her nerves before heading upstairs.
Lexus nervously enters the master bedroom, with her heart beating quickly, and sees Terrance in his underwear sitting on the bed.
She’s not sure what she should do right now.  Does she just undress and climb in bed? Or should she try to seduce Terrance with a sexy strip tease
She slowly pulls off her clothing, revealing sexy lingerie.  Inside she is a wreak; having no idea how to please her new husband.
Terrance can hear Lexus’ nervous breathing.  He walks over.
“It’s ok Lex.  We can go as fast or as slow as you want to.”

“I don’t want to go slow,” Lexus answers in an attempt to sound sexy and sophisticated.
Terrance grabs Lexushand.  Her palms are sweaty and when he touches her wrist, he can feel her pulse beating quickly.
“It’s ok Lexus…I’m nervous too…I…I’ve never done this either,”  he whispers in her ear.
His whispers are reassuring.  She knows that she is safe with Terrance… no matter what. 
Terrance looks Lexus in the eyes.  Her eyes are round and doe-like.  He is burning with desire, but he calms his impulses and follows her lead.
Lexus leans in to kiss him; her kisses hungry, yet hesitant.  He wants to devour her mouth, but uses all of his power to remain gentle.
“Can we lie down on the bed?”  He asks.

Lexus responds by shaking her head.  She doesn’t want her voice to reveal just how afraid she is.
Lexus fluffs her pillow and rests her back on it.  Terrance does the same.
“Why are you way over there?”  Lexus manages to say without sounding like a scared child. 

Terrance eagerly slides over.
He moves closer and takes her in his arms.  Just being close to her, his body responds.  He counts to ten in his head to keep himself under control.
Lexus looks at their fingers intertwined.  Terrance is glad that she does not see the exasperated look on his face. His need for her is intense, but he is determined to wait until she’s ready.
He can’t take it any longer.  Terrance cannot wait.  He wants to feel Lexus’ warmth.  He wants her to be as close to him as possible.
Lexus’ body responds to his urgent need.  All nervousness slips away.  She is as ready as he is.
With nothing stopping them, they move in close.
He moves close to her lips, but does not kiss her.  “Are you ready?”  He whispers in her ear.
“Yes,” she responds gazing into his blue eyes.
They slide under the covers and share a love full of passion and longing.
Their desire for one another has no equal.  This moment is all that matters to them.  They share their first woo hoo as man and wife.
Afterward, Terrance smiles at his new wife.  “Are you OK?”  He whispers when he sees tears in her eyes.

“Yes, these are tears of joy,”  she whispers back.
Lexus and Terrance fall asleep with thoughts of their intimacy invading their dreams.

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