
Friday, March 25, 2011

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 27)

At City Hall, Terrance and Lexus complete all of the paperwork for their marriage license.  They change clothes and the Justice of the Peace guides them through the lines that they need to say to become husband and wife.
They emerge from City Hall legally husband and wife, but they want to exchange rings in a more special place. 
Lexus and Terrance leave City Hall and head to the Esplanade River Front where they shared their first kiss.
“Oh Terrance, it’s so beautiful this morning.”

“No, you’re beautiful Mrs. Lexus Price-Bull,”  Lexus blushes at the sound of her new name.
“Lexus, please do me the honor of wearing my ring, a symbol of my love, now and forever.”
Lexus accepts Terrance’s ring.  “Terrance, please take this ring, a never ending circle, to represent my love for you eternally,” Lexus says placing the ring on Terrance’s finger.
“Of course my beautiful bride,” Terrance answers before pulling Lexus in for a kiss.
They continue to kiss under the morning sun with the sounds of the river lapping at the banks.
The two of them try to make this moment last for as long as possible; both of them afraid and unsure of how Lexus’ family will react to their rushed marriage.
They finally pull away.  “So what do we do now?”  Lexus asks.  She’s never thought past getting married.  She guesses that they will be moving in with Terrance’s mother.
Lexus stares at her ring.  “I have a surprise for you.”  Terrance says answering her question.
“Really Terrance?  What can be better than this?” Lexus asks excitedly.
“Wait here,” Terrance says, before leaving to get his car.

Lexus is so excited that she can barely contain herself.
Assuming that they are heading to Terrance’s house, Lexus suddenly becomes anxious, “Is your mother going to be OK with us living there?” 
“We’re not going to be living with my mother,” Terrance says right before pulling up in front of a gorgeous three story home.
Lexus is confused, but stands at the curb mesmerized by the beautiful neighborhood surrounding them.  Terrance begins walking up the walkway. 
“What are you doing Terrance?”  Lexus asks running up behind him.

“I’m going home,” he answers.
“What?” Lexus asks after she catches up to him.

“This is our new home Lexus.  Our wedding gift from my father.”
The new Bull family stand in the walkway and stare at their new home and all the promises that come with it.

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