
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 24)

The moon continues to play hide and seek with the trees, while the sun begins to chase it from behind.
Lexus’ stomach growls and her eyes droop.  She is desperate for time to pass so that she can call Terrance and finally remember what it’s like to feel safe in his arms.
Lexus takes bites of her toast, just to satisfy her stomach, but cannot suppress her fear enough to taste or enjoy it.
Lexus hops in the shower, but is spooked by memories of every scary movie she’s ever seen that includes a shower murder scene.  When she gets out of the shower, it’s finally a decent time to call Terrance.
Just hearing his voice helps to put her at ease.  “I’m on my way!” He says as soon as he hears what has happened.
No matter how fast Terrance drives, his arrival will still take time, so Lexus busies herself by placing her laundry on the lines to dry.
Lexus strains her ears trying to listen for Terrance’s car.
She sits for a moment, but staring at her back door reminds her of the thief all over again.
Lexus stands and paces back and forth.  She is close to panic again when she finally hears Terrance’s car pull up.
“Sorry to take so long.  I had to bring my little brother,” Terrance says. 
“I didn’t get to shower,” Terrance explains, embarrassed by his odor, as Lexus pulls him close.  Lexus doesn’t care.
“Thank you for coming,” Lexus says, her eyes wide from fear and her attempts to stay awake.
Terrance maneuvers his lips over to Lexus’ and she eagerly welcomes his kiss.
Only then does she hear Terrance’s little brother as he jabbers away in baby talk there on her porch.
As they release each other, Terrance finally notices the deep bags and dark circles under Lexus’ eyes.
“You look exhausted.  Did you get any sleep at all?”  Terrance asks.
“Even when I try, I can see the thief’s face,” Lexus explains.
“He didn’t try to hurt you, did he?”  Terrance asks sounding both afraid and angry.

“No…nothing like that.  He just ran out the door, but I feel like he’s going to come  back…like he can come back whenever he wants to.”
“Listen Lexus…I want you to get some sleep.  I will stay right here with you.  I promise to keep you safe.”
Terrance guides Lexus to her bed.  She doses off as soon as her head hits the pillow.
A few minutes later, she wakes with a start.  “I’m still here,” Terrance assures her, “I’ll be here the whole time.  You’ll be safe.”
Putting her trust and safety in Terrance’s hands, Lexus turns over and sleeps deeply.

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