
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 25)

Lexus wakes up a few hours later, not fully rested, but in better condition than before.
Her eyes scan the room, finding Terrance still sitting in his chair as if he hasn’t moved the whole time she slept.
“Thank you for staying,” Lexus says.
“While you were sleeping, I was thinking…”  Terrance begins; his voice serious and his expression matching.
He doesn’t wait for Lexus to respond. “I don’t like you living out here by yourself…move in with me.”

Lexus is shocked and surprised. “I-” is all she can say before Terrance interrupts…
“Don’t you dare say no to me Lexus!   I could never rest knowing you’re living out here in the bayou alone.”
“Terrance, I can’t do that.  I promised my mom that I’d never put myself in a position where I’m dependent on a man unless he has committed to me fully.”

Terrance’s face is pained, but he quickly recovers…
“Marry me then!”  Terrance says suddenly as if the idea just dawned on him.

Lexus chuckles thinking that he’s joking, but the look on his face is dead serious.

“Lexus, I have loved you from the moment I met you.  I want you to be my wife as soon as possible.”
Lexus is at a loss for words.  She has no doubt of Terrance’s love for her, nor her love for him.
Instead of answering, she pulls him into an embrace.

“I hope this is a yes,” Terrance says slightly confused.
“Please let it be a yes,” he says in a prayer.
“Please say yes,” Terrance says once again, now directing it towards Lexus as he pulls back and looks into her eyes.
There is no denying the pleading in Terrance’s blue eyes.  There is no way that Lexus can say ‘no’ to those eyes.
“I would rather die than deny you right now,” Lexus finally says.
It takes a minute before Terrance is able to decipher the meaning behind Lexus’ words.
Terrance grabs Lexus with a gentle, yet desperate force.  “Was that a ‘yes’?”  Terrance asks to be sure. 
“Of course silly,” Lexus answers.

Terrance pulls her close. 
Terrance’s little brother begins to whine.  “I need to take him home.  Will you come with us?”  Terrance asks.

“No, I’ll be fine.  Take him home, I’ll see you later.”
Terrance picks up his little brother and heads home with a smile on his face.  Lexus grabs a quick snack…
…and goes to bed; too happy to be afraid.

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