
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 32)

The Pratt family stand around in disbelief after Candy’s spirit disappears with the Grim Reaper.
Everyone is forced to get back to their duties.  Sarah mindlessly prepares a meal…
…while Rena tends to baby Chelsea who, in her innocence, is unaware of the grief her parents are forced to bear.
In Candy’s bathroom, Spencer goes to wash his hands, but is distracted by his mother’s make-up.  He’ll never get the opportunity to witness her flawlessly apply her blush or eyeliner again.
The thought weighs on him, down to the pit of his stomach.  There are so many things that he will miss and so many more that he never got the opportunity to say or do.
Like the rest of the household, Gwen does her best to keep it together.  A trip to the bathroom to relieve herself suddenly seems laborious and bothersome.  Somehow carrying her heavy heart is too much for her legs to bear. Every moment, every thought carries the threat of a new set of tears.
Gwen finds herself unable to leave the seclusion of the bathroom.  Spencer finds her there, standing, motionless on the verge of crying.

“Will you come to the cemetery with me to carry out her final wishes?” Spencer asks.
Hearing the word “final”, Gwen closes her eyes; willing her eye lids to stop the flood of fresh tears that threaten to pour out.  With trembling lips, Gwen answers, “yes”.
“I was thinking that her epitaph should read, ‘beloved mother’.  She would want it to be simple and straight forward.”
“That’s fine,” Gwen agrees in a voice barely audible.
While Spencer speaks to Gwen about plans for taking care of Candy’s final arrangements, Rena holds Chelsea close and stares at the TV, seeing nothing but moving blurs of color through her tears.
Meanwhile, Spencer takes a moment to gather his thoughts and gain control of his emotions. 
He wipes away escaped tears and whispers, “I’m sorry…we’d better go.”
In the kitchen, Sarah is finding it hard to perform her duties.  “Oh Candy! “ She says thinking back on how Candy treated her like a equal, rather than a servant; something she’d never before experienced in her life.
It’s not until this moment that Sarah realizes that she just lost a very good friend.
Spencer and Gwen rush out the door and head to the cemetery.
The only sounds heard in the truck are breathing and occasional sniffling as either Spencer or Gwen attempt to hold back tears.
The drive to the cemetery seems long, but not long enough.  Spencer stares at his mother’s gravestone, while Gwen turns her back, not ready to see Candy’s name in stone.
Spencer ignores his cell phone knowing that he can expect a flood of calls filled with words of sympathy, condolences and ‘it’ll be alright’.  Right now it’s not alright and he doesn’t want to hear the ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ or the ‘I know how you feel’ messages from anyone.
The sound of Spencer’s sobs dissolves Gwen’s ability to hold back her own.  She joins him in a symphony of grief.
Spencer has cried until he’s run out of tears.  Now he’s left with the feeling of not being able to quite catch his breathe.  His chest heaves in convulsions as his lungs attempt to compensate.
The thought of not having his mother there to wrap her arms around him to console him is too much…
…but Spencer knows that he has to be the comforter now, because there are others depending on him.
He holds his chest in a final attempt to control his breathing.
He then turns to offer Gwen a shoulder to cry on.  To his surprise, she rejects his attempts of comfort. “No!” She screams and pulls back from him; anger painting red streaks all over her face. “Don’t touch me!”
“How could she leave me?  Every mother I’ve ever had has left me!”
Spencer cannot imagine the sense of abandonment Gwen must be feeling right now.  “It’s OK Gwen.  I’m here for you.”
“You don’t even like me!” Gwen fires back.

“That’s not true Gwen.  I’m your brother.”
Spencer is overwhelmed with guilt when he hears Gwen’s next few words. “You’ve never acted like it,” Gwen says sharply…
…then she walks away, leaving Spencer alone in front of Candy’s grave with his feelings of regret.
Gwen runs to the mausoleum, grateful for the distraction of starting her work shift.
Inside, she knows that Spencer means well, but she wants him to feel the pain and rejection that he’s made her feel over the years.
She has succeeded.  Now on top of his grief, Spencer has to figure out how to deal with the years of teasing that he’s inflicted on Gwen every since Candy adopted her.
Spencer heads home trying to figure how to move forward while not allowing past mistakes to destroy him.