
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 33)

Gwen shows up for work, but is sent home early.   She was really looking forward to working and keeping her mind off Candy.
Spencer makes calls to invite a few family members over tomorrow for Candy’s funeral.
Sarah decides to take a few minutes to relax in her room.  Work alone is not enough to keep her from welling up in tears at any given moment.
Gwen sits down to enjoy left-over cheese steak.  A smile briefly flashes across her face as she enjoys her favorite meal.
Spencer also settles down to eat.  He decides to try some of Sarah’s freshly made Key Lime Pie.  He is careful to avoid Gwen after her outburst at the cemetery.
Rena is hungry, but cannot eat anything right now, so she retreats to the bathroom for a few moments alone.
Like everyone else in the house, bouts of tears hit Spencer at random moments.  Everything he does reminds him of his mother.
The last thing Gwen and Candy did together was play music.  Gwen sits down at the piano and is instantly comforted as music fills the air.  She can almost imagine Candy playing bass along with her in heaven.
Spencer makes sure that Chelsea’s needs are not neglected while the family grieves.  He’s sad that all of his attention cannot go to her right now, but he’s happy that Candy had a chance to meet her first grandchild.
Sarah knows that she cannot avoid her duties any longer.  She is not sure how Spencer will treat her now that Candy is gone.  Will she return to the status of a servant or will Spencer and Rena be as kind to her as Candy was?  Until she knows for sure, she’ll be walking on eggshells.
Rena attempts to get some sleep, but for now it seems so far away. She relaxes on top of the covers.
Spencer joins her.  “Do you think it’s too soon for us to be moving into her room?”  She asks her husband.
“No.  You know mom… she would have wanted her family to use her stuff, not let it become neglected and dusty.”
“That’s true.  I just can’t believe that she’s gone Spencer…she was like a mother to me.”
“I know… she loved you too,” Spencer assures Rena before pulling her close.
“I am so glad to have you next to me,” Spencer continues, ”I could not get through this without you.”
Rena and Spencer offer each other physical comfort which distracts them from their grief.
Then they  stare into each other’s eyes before finally falling asleep.
Chelsea needs attention in the middle of the night.  Rena wakes up to cuddle and play with her, before placing her back in bed.
“You and your father are the bright stars in my life,” Rena whispers to Chelsea before returning to bed.
Gwen wakes up in an unstable state of mind.  She is confused by her feelings of pain, grief and anger.  She wants to lash out and hurt someone.
She decides to hurt the only person close to her right now.  She grabs scissors and handfuls of hair and begins to chop it all off.  She finishes off the look with a pair of clippers.  “This will get him,” She says out loud, knowing that Spencer would never approve of her extreme hair cut.
After she leaves her room, her brief euphoria is gone.  Sadness and grief once again takes its place.
Gwen feels a strong desire to take something from someone else to help ease the feelings that fill her now that Candy has been taken away from her.
Her weapon of choice…her computer.  She easily hacks into the local bank computer system and begins stealing small amounts of money out of the bank accounts of local Sunset Valley citizens.
Gwen does not transfer the money into her own account.  Instead she just deletes it all.  She can think of nothing more sinister at the moment than taking people’s money and wasting it by doing nothing with it.
Spencer wakes a few hours later with a heavy feeling in his stomach.  Today he has to host his friends and close family members for his mother’s funeral.  Today will be his final goodbye to his mother.
He gets dressed slowly, not in a rush to face this most dreaded day.  Maybe having his loving family close by will help him get through the morning.
Gwen grins with satisfaction as she hears Spencer walking toward her.  She’s sure that he will be erupting in anger as soon as he sees what she’s done to her hair.
But she is hidden behind the high back chair and Spencer cannot even see her hair.  “Good morning Gwen,” he says as he walks right past her and begins to descend the stairs.

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