
Friday, April 15, 2011

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 34)

Rena wakes up with heaviness in her heart.  On top of her grief, she’s feeling slightly ill.  She tries to pull herself together so that she can be there for Spencer.
She takes her shower and gets dressed, not looking forward to this day of sadness as family and friends get together in remembrance of Candy.
Spencer is downstairs on his computer when Gwen comes down for breakfast.  He has not spotted her yet and she’s not quite sure she’s ready for him to see her new look.
Sarah performs her duties in preparation for the guests to arrive.  She sets up the buffet table as best she can between bouts of tears.
Gwen decides to avoid Spencer by grabbing something to eat from the buffet table rather than face him in the kitchen.
Rena goes in to check on Chelsea.  Holding her sweet smelling infant daughter is the only thing comforting to her right now.
Sarah retreats to her cottage just before the funeral begins.
It’s bad enough being around a lot of people during happy occasions.  She definitely does not want to be around them while everyone is upset and mourning.
Right about now, Gwen wishes she hadn’t behaved so impulsively this morning in cutting her hair.  Initially she did it to bother Spencer, but now that it’s close to the time for guests to arrive, she no longer wishes to make him angry.
Upstairs, Rena is surprised by an unexpected explosion of nausea
She and Spencer did not use protection the last time they were intimate.  Could she be expecting again so soon?
The doorbell rings and Spencer begins to put away his computer.  This will be a tough day for him, but he might as well get it all over with.
The first guests to arrive is his aunt Evelyn and Candy’s cousin Nakida.
As soon as he takes a good look at Nakida and notices the resemblance she has to Candy the tears and memories begin to flow, overwhelming him.
“It’s OK Spence.  I know exactly how you feel,”  Nakida offers, saying the only thing that she can think to say.
As Spencer walks off to greet other family members, Gwen walks over to say hello to Evelyn and Nakida.
Spencer spots his father Sam in the living room.  Sam is being very hard on himself; saying that he and Candy’s marriage failed because of his selfishness.
Spencer wishes he can argue with that, but he can’t.  “Things happen dad.  Don’t be so hard on yourself,” is all that he can say.  Sam hangs his head in sadness and shame.
Gwen gives a warm greeting to Nakida.  Both Nakida and Evelyn are shocked by Gwen’s extreme makeover, but neither say a word.  She’s just in a lot of pain, they say to themselves attempting to justify Gwen’s appearance.
Spencer and Sam attempt to talk about some of the memories they have of Candy, but each word reminds Spencer that there will be no new memories of his mother.  Once again he is in tears.  Sam grabs him and holds him tight.
“You’ll get through this son.  I promise that it’ll get easier.”
“I don’t know dad.  I feel so bad…and I once said some pretty mean things to her,”   Spencer says recalling the fight that he and Candy had a while back.

“Son, she knew that you loved her, no matter what you’ve said in the past.”
Candy’s old friend and former Pratt household housekeeper, Mimi arrives.  Gwen is very glad to see her.  Mimi has always treated Gwen with nothing but kindness. 
“Chile, what did you do with all of that pretty hair?”

“I…” Gwen begins.

Mimi interrupts before she can say much else.  “No matter.  You’re still beautiful.”
Mimi’s kind words bring Gwen close to tears.  “Thank you,” she says in a grateful trembling voice.
Spencer walks over to his brother Nicky and the two of them chat.  Nicky never had a chance to get to know Candy because of the ill feelings between Candy and Nicky’s mother, Cassandra.
Not even two feet away, Gwen stands being comforted by Mimi.
Mimi is the only person Gwen would ever allow to comfort her at a time like this.  She’s the only who has fully earned her trust.
“That’s right Gwen.  Let it out.  Don’t even try to hold all that grief in.  It’ll only destroy you from the inside out,”  Mimi says.
Just as Gwen begins to feel a bit better, Spencer glances over and spots her for the first time since she shaved her head.

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