
Monday, April 18, 2011

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 35)

Spencer’s grief quickly transforms into rage.
“Here we go,” Gwen says under her breathe, bracing herself for whatever Spencer decides to say or do.
“Why do you always insist on making a spectacle of yourself?”  Spencer says in a quiet voice that’s contrary to his harsh tone.
“This day is not about you and your foolish shenanigans.  It’s supposed to be about mom, but you insist on bringing attention to yourself.”
“Nothing I do satisfies you anyway, so I might as well do what I want.  What’s it to you?  It’s just hair!”  Gwen responds much louder than the voice Spencer chose.
Spencer decides to leave the discussion alone.  The last thing he needs is for Gwen to start a scene in the middle of Candy’s funeral.
Oblivious to the argument brewing downstairs, Rena uses caring for Chelsea as an excuse to avoid the crowd downstairs. 
She takes the long way around the house to avoid being seen while she makes her way to the buffet table for a bite to eat.
“What’s up with Gwen?”  Spencer’s cousin Giuseppe asks when Spencer walks over to greet him.

“I don’t know cousin.  She just seems to be so unstable.  I don’t even know how to relate to her.”
Rena takes her food into the dining room, still fighting to keep her emotions under control.  She wants to be a source of strength for her husband in his time of need, not a burden for him to carry.
Gwen isolates herself from the guests.  She really feels bad about cutting her hair to get back at Spencer.  If he would have given her a chance, she would have tried to explain that.  Instead he forced her to be on the defensive like he always seems to do.
Music heals the soul, so she decides to grab Candy’s bass and try to channel some of Candy’s lively spirit into the room as she attempts to play.
The whole house erupts in music as Nakida continues on the piano while Sam plays his guitar.
Moments later, Spencer finds himself face to face with his father once again.  Although Sam has never been much of a business man, Spencer decides to go over a few business strategies that has crossed his mind now that he’s expected to take over Candy’s old business ventures. 
Spencer has been thinking about selling all of Candy’s old properties and using the profits to build his bank account.
Sam thinks it over.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea son.  Yeah, you can pad your bank account, but your mother bought those properties knowing that her family would benefit over the long run.  I think you should hang on to them and pass them down to your children.”
Mimi listens in, impressed that Sam actually has good advice for Spencer.  She knows Candy would be pleased.
Rena finally finds her way into the living room.  She attempts to mingle amongst family and friends, but her heart is just not in it.
Spencer notices Rena’s dampened mood.  “How are you holding up sweetheart?”

“Better now that you’re near me.”
“How about you?”

“Most of the time I’m OK.  It’s just those little moments when thoughts of her creep up on me.”
He hugs Rena, “but you being here makes it all so much easier to endure.  I think I would die without you.”
“I feel the same way,” Rena answers.
“We’ll get through this together,” she continues.

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