
Friday, August 5, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 26)

I’m getting married! Is the first thought in Antwain’s mind as he wakes the next morning.
Still feeling tired after a long evening, he prepares a strong espresso to give himself a boost of energy.
He and Tania have a lot of preparations to make in order to marry in the next few days. 
He agrees with her request to have a backyard wedding, but he’d like to make a few changes to the backyard before they use it for their wedding.
Antwain is due at work.  He decides to call a few contractors during his break at work to see who can get their backyard in tip top shape in time for the wedding.
After Antwain has left, Tania is awakened by her cell phone.  Checking the caller ID, she sees that it’s her grandmother Tatiana.
“Good morning gran!  How are you?”

“Tania!  I’m so glad you’re up.  I need to speak with you.  Can you come by today?”  Tatiana’s voice reveals a desperate urgency.
“Sure gran.  I’ll be there around noon,” Tania answers.
She walks down the stairs and looks around, half expecting to see her brother George III’s spirit.  “I miss you little brother,” she whispers with a sigh.
Tania cleans the kitchen after a quick breakfast.  She could use a drink, but resists the urge; thinking about how quickly it can get out of hand.
Instead of drinking, she goes out into the backyard and sits by George III’s grave.  She stares at his gravestone, reading it over and over.
“Guess what…I’m getting married.  Remember Antwain from school?  Well, he asked me to marry him.”
On the verge of tears, Tania looks away.  “Well, grandma Tatiana wants to see me…so I’d better go.”
Tania walks next door and sees an old man standing in front of her parent’s house. “Tania!  Good to see you,” he says in her father’s voice.

“Daddy?” She asks; a question in her voice.
“What?  You don’t know your dad anymore?”

Tania finds herself staring at all of the grey in her father’s hair.  It’s as if he has aged overnight. 
“Don’t be silly dad.  There was a glare, so I couldn’t see you well,” she lies.  “Where’s gran?  She wanted to see me.”
George Jr. smiles, “She’s somewhere in the house being ornery.  How are the wedding plans?”

“We’ve decided on an outdoor wedding.  We’re planning for Saturday.”
Tania finishes speaking with her father and walks toward the house.  Her mother, Bianca, and grandmother, Tatiana,  come out to greet her.
“We’re planning on marrying on Saturday…in my backyard,” Tania says volunteering the information before her mother has a chance to ask.

“Sounds lovely,” Bianca answers.
Tania follows her grandmother inside.  “I had something important I wanted to ask you,” Tatiana asks.
“Well first I have something for you,” Tania says handing her grandmother a box. 
 “You said that you sometimes had problems walking.  I found this cane at the consignment store. I hope it helps.”
“Thank you,” Tatiana says, but she looks troubled.

“What is it gran?”  Tania asks concerned.
Tatiana leans in to speak to Tania quietly.  “I wanted to ask if I could move in with you.”
Tania is surprised by the request. “Why?  What’s going on gran?”
“It’s your father.  I can’t take living here with him any more.  When I see his face, I want to bash it in,” Tatiana explains.

Tania cannot help but smile at that, because there have been moments when she felt the same way.
Tatiana looks up and Tania can see that she is serious.  “You want to move in with Antwain and I?”  She repeats to make sure she heard right.

Tatiana nods her head.
Tania pauses a moment before answering.  Finally she responds, “Well I’d have to ask Antwain first, but I’d love for you to live with us.”

Tatiana is pleased.  “Thank you so much!” She answers with a smile on her face.

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