
Friday, August 5, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 27)

Tania asks Tatiana to follow her back to her house.  She wants to  ask Antwain about moving her grandmother in.
Tatiana is visibly nervous as Tania calls for Antwain.  She just doesn’t know where she will live if he does not allow her to move in.
Antwain walks downstairs and is surprised to see Tatiana.  “Hello Ms. Ivanov!” He greets her.
Tatiana excuses herself so that Tania can ask Antwain in private. “My father is driving Gran crazy.  She wants to move in with us.  How do you feel about that?” Tania asks in a rush before bracing herself for Antwain’s response.
“Of course she can move in!  What kind of question is that?” Antwain says as if moving in Tatiana’s grandmother is the most natural thing in the world.

Tania is so happy that she pulls Antwain into a hug.  “Thank you so much!”
“It’s nothing to thank me for.  We have the room. We just need to go out and purchase furniture.”
Antwain continues,”I’ll call the consignment shop to see if I can place an order.  Maybe they can deliver something in the morning.”
Tatiana watches Antwain and Tania from outside.  They seem to be having a deep discussion, which makes her nervous.  She wouldn’t be surprised if they did not want to be bothered with an old lady.  Especially after they get married.
Tatiana cannot take the suspense any longer.  She walks back into the house trying to over hear as she passes. 

Tania lowers her voice,”Go ahead and place the order. I’ll let her know right now.”
Antwain smiles, “It’ll be cool having her here.”

Tania agrees.
Antwain leaves the room to call the consignment shop while Tania calls her grandmother over.  Tatiana walks over with a smile of hope on her face.
“So what’s the verdict?  I won’t be offended if he doesn’t want to be bothered with me.”
“Bothered with you?” Tania is shocked that her grandmother sees herself as a burden.  Did my father put that idea in her head? Tania asks herself.
“Gran, we would be honored to have you move in.  Antwain is placing an order for furniture for your room as we speak.  You can move in tomorrow.”
Tatiana appears to be close to tears, “Thank you so much!  I’m thrilled.  I’d better go pack.”

Tania waves and Tatiana leaves to pack up her things.
Antwain is upstairs in the shower.  Tania enters the bathroom and stands watching him; thinking to herself how lucky she is to be marrying such a great guy.
Suddenly over come with love for him she decides to join him in the shower.
She removes her clothes; surprising him as she steps into the shower.  He greets her with a kiss and she proceeds to show him just how much she loves him.
After their little rendezvous in the shower, Tania decides to head downstairs to see their new renovated backyard.  Tania heads straight for their new bar.
She blends herself a drink.  She cannot wait until their beautiful backyard wedding.
She takes a few sips from her glass, savoring every drop.
Antwain joins her, except he heads straight for the outdoor kitchen.
While Tania is enamored with the bar, Antwain is anxious to try out the new grill.
Tania’s drink goes straight to her head, making her slightly dizzy.  She closes her eyes in an attempt to stop the vertigo. 
She longs for another drink, but instead attempts to distract herself with a new painting.
Working is not enough.  She still wants that drink.  Embarrassed by her strong desire, she goes inside so that Antwain will not see her enjoy one glass of nectar too many. 
With four drinks sitting in front of her, Tania almost feels shame as she downs each one…one by one.

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