
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 29)

Antwain arrives home and tries to figure out how to tell Tania about the bachelor party.
“Hey babe!”  Antwain says trying to sound nonchalant which immediately makes Tania suspicious.

“What is it?” Tania answers in a hesitant voice; unsure she wants to hear whatever it is he is trying to hide.
Antwain can hear the change in her voice.  Luckily he stopped by the grocery store after work and bought Tania a gift to distract her from the news of the party.  He decides to pull them out early.
“Beautiful flowers for my beautiful bride!”  He announces, pulling the flowers from behind his back.

Tania forgets all about being suspicious.
It’s the first time anyone has ever given her flowers.  She inhales their faint scent, thoroughly grateful for the gift.
“Thank you!  That was so sweet of you!” She says enthusiastically.
They both sit down and attempt to enjoy the cheese sandwiches that Tania has burnt.  Antwain munches down on his like they are the best thing in the world, just to avoid telling Tania about the party.
With his mouth full, he gives Tania his news,  “Walf wis rowing me a wachelor warty.”

“What?” Tania says, not understanding what he is saying.
Antwain takes his time in swallowing before he repeats himself.
He clears his throat, then he blurts the words out, “I said that Ralph is throwing me a bachelor’s party.”
“When!?”  Tania asks slightly raising her voice.  Just then Tatiana walks by to grab a bite to eat.

Antwain is grateful because he knows that Tania will not start an argument in front of her grandmother.
“Tonight…in a few hours,” he answers before excusing himself from the table.
Tania is so upset that she almost chokes on her sandwich.  But just as Antwain predicted, she does not want to argue in front of her grandmother.
Antwain calls up a few buddies to confirm the details for the party.  Tania turns her head away and is forced to try to hide her anger.
Antwain agrees to meet at the bar in a few hours.  Tania does everything she can to hold in her displeasure.
“Will there be dancers?” She asks in the calmest voice that she can manage.

“Maybe,” Antwain answers quietly as Tatiana gives them both a knowing glance.
Part of their backyard renovations included a new hot tub.  Antwain decides to try it out.
Tania comes out to join him.  “Now don’t be mad,” Antwain says now that they are alone.  “You know that I love you and would not do anything to jeopardize our relationship.”
“I know,” Tania admits, not quite sure why she is so bothered by this party.
Antwain steps out the hot tub and changes for his party.
He hops on his scooter and heads to the bar ready to enjoy himself.

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