
Monday, August 15, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 30)

Antwain arrives at the bar a little before his guests get there.
He changes into the vest and top hat that his best friend Ralph made him promise to wear for the party. He feels silly wearing it, but he knows that a few drinks will solve that.
Antwain begins greeting his guests and thanking them for coming.  “I can’t believe that you are taking yourself off the market so soon!  There are still a lot of fine ladies out there to meet,” his friend Bradley says.
“Maybe, but none of them are as fine as Tania,” Antwain says convinced that he has found the right woman for him.
Next, Antwain greets Sam, who has been married for a while.
“Congrats Antwain!  Marriage is a beautiful thing,” Sam says.

“Thanks man!  I’m definitely looking forward to it.” 
Finally, Antwain gets an opportunity to greet George Jr., Tania’s father.
“Hey Mr. Dean!  Thanks for coming!” Antwain says glad to see his future father-in-law.
“Call me dad,” George Jr. insists.

“OK…dad.  Are you here to use your black belt skills if I get out of hand?”

George Jr. responds with laughter.
Finally he answers,” No, I trust you and I know that you will be a great husband for my daughter.”

“Thanks dad,” Antwain responds flattered by George Jr.’s words.
At home, Tania finishes up a painting that reflects her feelings about Antwain’s bachelor party.
Antwain spots his best friend Ralph.  “Thanks for throwing this party!”

Just then, a party dancer arrives and begins dancing inside the bar. 
“I have a surprise for you inside,” Ralph begins, “but first…”
Ralph pulls out a bottle of champagne from behind his back and begins to shake it up.  “Don’t you dare!” Antwain warns, suspecting what Ralph plans on doing with the bottle.
Just as he thought, Ralph pops the top on the bottle and champagne sprays all over Antwain.
Antwain responds by opening his mouth and drinking in as much champagne as possible.
Dripping wet with champagne, Antwain cannot help but laugh at his friend’s trick.
“Just wait until you decide to marry,” Antwain warns.
The guest migrate to the inside of the bar.  The party dancer, Honey Pisces, walks over to introduce herself.
“So would you like a private dance now?” She asks.

“I’m flattered, but I promised my fiancĂ© that I would behave,” Antwain answers.
“Yes, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt,” Honey Pisces answers.

Ah, but her black belt father who is standing right over there will hurt,” Antwain answers with a smile.
Honey Pisces is amused by Antwain’s little joke.  “Now I never heard that response before”, she laughs.
As the party guests stand around, Antwain notices that the bartender has yet to begin serving drinks.
“Sorry I’m late,” the bartender apologizes.  “What can I get for you?"
Antwain orders a round of drinks while his guests begin to dance and enjoy themselves.
He walks over to the foosball table and plays a round with George Jr.
As the evening winds down, Antwain shares a few laughs with his guests.  Everyone seems to be having a great time…
…including a few uninvited guests.
Antwain introduces himself; continuing his mission of getting to know as many people as possible in order to further his political career.
Honey Pisces changes into another outfit and gives the party guests one more show.
Antwain watches for a while, but decides that it is time to go home to his future wife. 
When Antwain arrives home, the house is quiet. Tatiana is resting peacefully in her new room.
Antwain crawls into bed next to his fiancé.

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