
Monday, August 15, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 31)

Tania wakes the next morning pleased to see Antwain in the bed next to her.  At least he came home last night, she smiles to herself.
As she walks downstairs, she can feel that something is not right.
It takes her a few moments to figure out what it is.  As she walks toward the kitchen, she can hear the shower in the downstairs bathroom.  Her grandmother has her own bathroom next to her bedroom and Antwain is still in bed.  Who could be in the shower?
Maybe Antwain was so drunk last night that he showered and forgot to turn off the water, she rationalizes to herself. Still her hands shake with fear as she opens the bathroom door and steps inside.
At first, she sees only steam and she lets out a breathe of relief.  Suddenly the ghost of George III appears.
Tania is taken aback as George III steps out of the shower and ghostly clothing appears to cover his nudeness.
He turns and waves his hands adamantly, his face masked in anger and embarrassment, just like it used to be when she accidentally walked in on him in the bathroom when he was still alive.
Tania is so emotional from seeing him that she doesn’t leave immediately.  She just stands and stares; happy that he is standing there.
Finally it dawns on her that he wants her to leave so that he can compose himself.  She reluctantly complies.
She runs out of the bathroom through the laundry room.  Please don’t leave! She begs internally, I want to talk to you!
Moments later, Tatiana walks downstairs after hearing Tania’s voice. “You’re welcomed to stick around,” Tania says speaking to George III.
She looks over to see who Tania is speaking to and sees the ghost of George III, her beloved grandson.

“Will you come to my wedding?  You can’t miss that!” Tania continues.
Tatiana is not shocked that Tania is talking to a ghost, nor is she afraid.

“Are you sure you have to go?  I want you to stay with me,”  Tania says in an emotion filled, begging voice.
Tatiana also lost a brother at a young age and she too often saw his ghost present in their childhood home when she was young.
Still… she’s concerned.

As George III’s ghost disappears, Tania is not pleased to see that her grandmother has witnessed this private moment and believes that her grandmother’s presence made George III’s spirit leave.
Just as Tania guessed, Tatiana wants to talk to her about what she witnessed.
“How long has he been around?” Tatiana begins.
“Just a few days,” Tania answers with hesitation.

“Did I ever tell you that I lost a brother at a young age?” Tatiana asks.
“Yes, Great Uncle Dimitri, right?”

“Yes…but I never told you that he used to visit me.”
“He doesn’t anymore?” Tania asks.

“No Tania. I had to let him go and you need to do the same.”
“I can’t do that Gran.  I miss him too much.  I don’t want him to leave me!”  Tania cannot stop the tears as she pleads.
Tatiana smiles a knowing smile, “It’s a hard to thing to do, but Tania…he’s already gone.  What you are seeing is not really him.  You cannot allow yourself to get attached to a spirit.”
“I don’t know how Gran.  There’s so many things I didn’t get to say to him,” Tania says as Tatiana heads to the kitchen.
Tania follows her to the kitchen and watches silently as she pulls leftovers out of the refrigerator and places them on the table.
With a sigh, Tatiana continues, “Tania, you’re going to have to move his body.  He should be at the cemetery where he can rest in peace.  Do you want your future children raised in a haunted house?”
Tatiana finishes her meal and leaves the kitchen to prepare for the rest of her day.  Tania watches her.  Just when she is out of earshot, Tania finally responds, “I can’t Gran.”
Desperate for fresh air, Tania heads downtown to take pictures.  As she arrives in town, she breaks down in tears.  As much as she wants to deny the truth, she knows that her grandmother is right…
…she’s going to have to let George III go.

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