
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 4

I feel like such a dork.  I fell asleep with my glasses on again and broke the frames.
Now I have to wait to have a new pair made and today was the day I promised myself that I would approach Desmond. 
As I bathe, I go over my options in my head.  I can either put off introducing myself to Desmond or go through it although I’ll be blind as a bat.
It would be just my luck to go to his house acting all flirty, not realizing that it’s his father or someone else that has answered the door.
I’m already clumsy.  Do I really want to introduce myself to the man of my dreams while blind and clumsy? Just the thought of what could happen horrifies me.
Maybe I should just use my old glasses.  But then I’d really look like a geek.
Deep inside I know that I am just trying to use my glasses as an excuse to avoid meeting him.  My eye sight is not that bad.  I’m far-sighted which means I need glasses to read, not see things in general.
I will not allow myself to back out of this.  I will meet Desmond and I will meet him today.
Worrying myself over Desmond has totally taken my mind off another fact.  Today is my first day of work at the bookstore.  I pray that I won’t be required to read anything, because I would need my glasses for that.
Get it together Athena!  With or without Desmond in my life, I still have goals that I want to achieve and this job at the bookstore is the first step.  I need the money until I can begin writing.
It’s a gorgeous afternoon in Hidden Springs when I leave the house and walk to my awaiting carpool.  If nothing else goes right today, I can rejoice in that.
My carpool driver says in a cheerful, friendly voice, “Good morning, I’m Mark.  How are you?”

He is obviously looking for good conversation. “Fine, I’m Athena…”I say, not knowing what else to say.

As usual, I spend the rest of the car ride lost in my own thoughts.  Mark turns up the radio once he realizes that’s about all the conversation he’s going to get out of me.

As we pass the hospital, I cannot stop myself from glancing over expectantly. 
I sigh in disappointment when I don’t see anyone.
The carpool pulls over in front of the bookstore and I hurry out; relieved now that I’m not expected to hold a conversation with a total stranger.
I enter the bookstore and approach the manager, Cynthia, who also seems to be very reserved and quiet.  She quickly shows me my duties before rushing off to a more isolated part of the bookstore.  We are both more comfortable this way.
I leave work pleased with my first day. My glasses were not much of a hindrance, so I was able to perform my duties as expected.  Still my heart is pounding so hard that I can feel the pulse in my ears. 
What is wrong with me?  I ask myself, then I remember…it’s time to go and meet Desmond.
Ugh!  My stomach clutches and my head begins to ache.  I don’t think I can do it.
I’ll just pay these bills first, I say to myself just to postpone my date with destiny.

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