It turns out that paying bills does not take enough time to use them as an excuse to not do something. I could stand out there near the mailbox all night like an idiot or I could stop acting like a grade schooler and do what I know I must do.With all of the will that my mind can muster, I take the first few steps toward Desmond’s house on legs of jelly.I trip a few times, but I keep moving using the stars as my guide. As I keep walking, my mind begins to wander, which is something that it often does when I am nervous. I start thinking about my parents. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why they named me Athena, after the goddess of wisdom. Why not after the goddess of love or beauty. Then again, being named Aphrodite would have been a bit odd.With these thoughts still running through my mind, Desmond’s house comes into view. There is a taxi in front and a young guy steps out of it.I stop in my tracks. He has company…I can’t interrupt him when he has company, I say to myself.I watch as the guy rings the doorbell. At least I’ll know whether he’s home or not. Nothing would be worst then getting my hopes up and ringing the doorbell and he is not home.After he rings the bell, the guy steps aside. Maybe he’s not home…I could just come back tomorrow, I think to myself almost relieved to not have to go through with this whole thing tonight.My abatement is short lived. Before I had time to turn and begin walking home, Desmond answers the door and steps out on the porch.Damn! I say, almost out loud. Although I know that I’ll never get a chance to know him if I keep avoiding, I was ready to let it go for now and put it off.
Desmond and his guest go inside. Now is the time, I say, but my feet don’t move right away. I stand there like a kid staring down at a pool beneath a diving board. I know that if I just do it, it won’t be as bad as I think, but I just can’t get myself to do it.
I begin to cross the road. You know, I say to myself, I’d bet the lake is extra pretty right now. Maybe I’ll just go and take a look at it.I am just about to pass Desmond’s house and head to the lake when a burst of courage shoots out of nowhere and my body seems to voluntarily head toward Desmond’s door.I’m ready, I say giving myself a pep talk. I’m really going to do this, right now…today!I walk until I am standing on Desmond’s walkway. Okay, any minute now…walk up to the door and ring it! Is what goes through my head, but my feet have stopped following directions.Again, I go for it. I’ve rung thousands of doorbells before and I am determined to ring this one……but my finger freezes inches away from it. If I ring the bell, he will hear it. If he hears it, he will come to the door. If he comes to the door, he will open it. If he opens it, I will have to talk… but what will I say?I don’t ring it. I get close but I flake out at the last minute.I stand there on the porch like an idiot. I cannot even ring the bell. Then the most unexpected thing happens…
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