
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 10

The next morning, I start out doing some housework; unsure if I dreamed the call from the agent.  Am I on my way to becoming an author?
Now that one dream of mine is on it’s way to coming true, I am more determined than ever to realize another.  I find myself standing once again on Desmond’s front porch. 
My finger is again, inches away from the door bell.  This time I apply the pressure needed to make it ring; although my heart is pounding so loud, that I can’t hear it.
I stand back and wait for Desmond to answer the door; praying that he doesn’t slam it in my face when he sees me.  I clear my throat just to make sure that my dry throat still contains my voice, because it feels as though I’ve swallowed it.
Desmond comes to the door, looking as handsome as always.  He doesn’t slam it or react negatively.
“Oh, hey!  I was wondering what happened to you!” Desmond says sounding pleased to see me.
“Last time you came by, you sorta disappeared on me,” he says.

I’m guessing that he did not see me run away.  I’m relieved.
He offers his hand and I grasp it.
“Uh,” I say, again clearing my voice to make sure it works.  “Sorry about that, I remembered that I had left my stove on,” I say offering a white lie instead of telling him that he makes me crazy nervous.
“I’m so glad you came back.  I wasn’t sure if I should stop by your house or not,” Desmond says sounding genuine.

He wanted to stop by my house?
I repeat to myself.
I get over my shock long enough to offer my name, “I’m Athena…Athena Sparks.”

“So good to meet you.  I’m Desmond Bailey.”
“Please come in,” he offers.

Immediately I can feel my pulse increase.  I can also feel my fight or flight impulses creeping up again.
But this time I do not run away…
Instead, I nervously enter Desmond’s home.

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