
Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 23)

 Destiny wakes up early and decides to beat Drake to the bathroom.
 Drake is right behind her, but his first destination is the kitchen.
 The only thing on Destiny’s mind this morning is Alan Stanley’s visit last night.
 Her boldness has finally led her right where she wants to be – Tom Wordy’s video.
 Destiny has been a fan of Tom’s for a long time.  It is truly a dream come true for her to finally get an opportunity to work with him.
 Destiny hurries through breakfast.  She wants to make it a point to be at work a little early today to get a little more information from Alan regarding the video shoot.
 Destiny’s phone rings as she heads to the elevator.  Checking her caller ID, she sees that it’s Tom.
 “I was just checking to see if you got the news yet,” Tom says.

“Yes, Alan Stanly told me last night.  Thanks for the opportunity,” Destiny says finding it hard not to sound like an over-excited fan.
 “That’s not the only reason I’m calling.  I also wanted to know if you could meet me at the Banzai Lounge tonight.”

Destiny is hesitant; not sure that Tom has business on his mind for tonight.
 “Um…” she starts, trying to decide if she should meet him tonight or not.
 “Don’t sweat it Shorty.  If you don’t want to meet me, just say so,” Tom says sounding slightly annoyed at her hesitation.

“No, no it’s not that,” she replies quickly.  “I’ll be there after work.”
 Destiny decides against telling Drake about meeting Tom tonight.  She knows that he may not be too understanding.
 The elevator reaches the top floor and their new maid steps out.  Destiny is just now noticing how attractive she is. I don’t know if I want her to be alone in there with Drake, Destiny thinks to herself.
 For one second, Destiny considers skipping work and staying home to make sure the maid doesn’t try anything with Drake.  But, she knows that she is up for promotion and that skipping work is probably not a good idea.
 Get it together Destiny, she says to  herself in an attempt to calm her green-eyed monster. You know that you can trust Drake.
 She is still uneasy as she steps outside to wait for her carpool.
 Destiny cannot stand the jealousy streak that she sometimes gets when she thinks of another woman being with Drake.  She also knows that continuing to deny him intimacy threatens to harm their relationship.
 “If that witch tries anything!” Destiny screams out loud, imagining the maid making flirty advances toward Drake.
 “That’s it!” Destiny says allowing her imagination to get the best of her.  “I will pull all of her hair out at the roots!”  She turns and walks back toward the building.
 I’m due for a promotion, she reminds herself.  I have to get to work.
Reluctantly, Destiny steps into the carpool.  I’ll deal with Drake and the maid later, she promises herself.

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