
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 33)

Note: I try to keep my Sim stories as family friendly as possible (since my 10-year-old likes to read them), but this part contains mild adult situations (no worse than some PG/PG-13 rated movies). I just wanted to be sure to put that out there! Thanks for reading, enjoy!
 Their passion takes them to the bathroom where they both undress.  They enter the shower together and allow the warm water to cascade over them while they express their over-due longing for each other.
 Destiny has finally given in to Drake, showing him that she only has desire for him and him alone.
 Drake emerges from the shower with a smile on his face.
 He is now thoroughly convinced that Destiny has been saving herself for him.
 Drake and Destiny both dress.  “The Brightmore dance club has requested that I visit tonight to help them promote the club.  I wanted to know if you’d come with me.”
 Drake agrees and they both enter the elevator.
 They enter the Brightmore lobby and look for the elevator.  The dance club is in the basement.
 Destiny approaches the bar of the very empty club and is disappointed that the bartender doesn’t appear to recognize her.
 She sits down to enjoy a quick meal, but is very annoyed that she actually had to pay this time.
 She and Drake hit the dance floor.  “So what is it you’re supposed to be doing here?” Drake asks also noticing that Destiny has not received the welcoming that she usually gets when she enters a club or bar.
 “My agent told me to just show up and dance, but I don’t see the point, because there’s no one here.”
 “Not that I’m not enjoying myself, but maybe we should come back on a better night,” Drake suggests.
 He continues, drawing close to Destiny, “Besides that, I’m ready to get you back home and in bed.”
 “Let’s go,” Destiny says agreeing with Drake about getting back home.
 They arrive at their apartment and Drake begins to get a little frisky in the elevator.
 “Not here, somebody might see us!” Destiny says pushing Drake back with a little too much force. 

Drake ends up on the ground.  “Oh, I’m sorry!” Destiny apologizes.
 They barely make it back into the apartment before they’re kissing again.
 They undress and cuddle on the bed.
 Finally they slide up under the covers where Drake has Destiny’s full permission to become frisky.
They emerge a while later.  “I love you Destiny,” Drake whispers, but Destiny has already fallen asleep.

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 32)

 Drake is the first up the next morning.  Neither he nor Destiny has to work.  Today he plans on bringing up the cell phone picture.
 Drake grabs a meal from the refrigerator while he waits for Destiny to wake up.
 Destiny is still sleeping when he finishes, so he decides to work on his mixology skill.
 Finally Destiny is awake.
 Destiny answers her ringing phone.
 Drake listens closely to try and determine whether she may be talking to Tom.
 Destiny cuts the call short and sits down to eat toast and jam.
 While Drake spits out yet another badly mixed drink.
 Destiny senses that Drake is still upset with her.
 Drake cannot hold his feelings in any longer. 
 “Destiny, it’s time we talk,” Drake begins, slightly distracted by Destiny’s lack of clothing and the broken sink behind her.
 “What is it now Drake?” 

“I happened to find your cell phone the other night.”

“I know that you were with Tom all night,” Drake says not succeeding at keeping his cool.
 “What were you doing checking my phone? Are we checking phones now?”  Destiny says in an accusatory tone.

“Don’t try to change the subject!” Drake yells in anger.
 Destiny is surprised at Drake’s yelling.  “Okay, okay…let’s just calm down.  I can explain.”
 “Don’t you dare lie to me!  I saw the picture that you took.”
 Destiny had forgotten about the picture.  Still she’s a little irritated that Drake had the nerve to even look through her cell phone.
 “Drake, yes I met Tom at the club, but you are jumping to conclusions.”

Drake tightens his jaw in anger, but decides to listen to what Destiny has to say.
 “You know before we even moved to Bridgeport that I’ve always been a fan of Tom’s. Tom has a lot of fans,” Destiny begins.
 “Yes, but most fans don’t end up in their celebrity crush’s music videos,” Drake interrupts.

“Yes, I admit that he was my celebrity crush, but nothing is going on between us.”

 “How do I know that?  You spent a whole night with him.  You admitted that you met him there.”

“Yes, Drake I did.  But we were at the club the whole time.  You can go and ask the bartender if you want.”
 “Why did you meet him there Destiny?”  Drake begins.
 When Destiny doesn’t answer right away, he continues. “Why didn’t you call and tell me where you were?”
 “I lost track of time.  Drake…none of this even matters.  Tom tried to get me to go home with him, but all I could think about was you.  I am in love with you,” Destiny answers.
 “How do I know that you didn’t go?” Drake asks.
 “Because I just told you.  If I wanted to be with him Drake, I could just pack and up and go.  But I’m here with you.”

Drake looks away unconvinced.
 Destiny decides to convince him once and for all.
Drake wants so desperately to remain angry at Destiny, but his pent up passion won’t allow it.  He lifts her up off the ground and carries her in his arms.

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 31)

 Destiny wakes wondering what time Drake made it in last night.  Even she realizes that they cannot keep going with this back and forth.
 When she leaves the shower, Drake is awake and the ‘I’m not speaking to you’ game begins.
 Drakes eats in silence while Destiny makes her breakfast.  Drake would love to ask Destiny about the phone, but both of them have to go to work and his questions could lead to a never ending argument that he’s just not ready to deal with at the moment.
 Destiny breaks the silence with a question that threatens to send Drake into an angered frenzy.  “Have you seen my phone?”  She asks.
 Drake chooses not to answer and Destiny walks by him with eyes of fire.  She’d love to ask him what time he got in last night, but like Drake, she knows that they would both miss work if she did.
 The new maid enters the apartment, which is good for Destiny and Drake because it gives them another reason to postpone any arguments.
 Destiny finds her phone and leaves, too angry and frustrated with Drake to worry about leaving him alone with the new maid. While she’s gone, Drake introduces himself.
 The maid’s name is Antoinette. “I really hope this works out. I had to fire the last maid because she wasn’t cleaning our bathroom,” Drake informs her.
 “Yes, I heard about that.  Don’t worry, I take my job very seriously,” Antoinette answers.
 “Well good.  Welcome aboard,” Drake answers.
 “Thanks, I look forward to working here for a long time,” Antoinette answers.
 At work, Destiny is given an off-site assignment.
 Alan Stanley gives her a large stack of flyers for their new movie and instructs her to visit the Butterfly Esplanade and pass them out.
 Destiny first takes the subway.
 Then she hops in a taxi to get to the location.
 Destiny is excited to see a new part of town, while getting paid at the same time. 
 She decides that she wants to stand out so that she doesn’t just blend in with the crowd.  She looks around for a place to change her outfit.
 She enters a pretty atrium and finds a private area to change.
 She steps out with a new outfit and a stack of flyers on hand.
 Destiny approaches several visitors and hands them a flyer.  “This is our newest movie, starring Matthew Hamming,” she says.
 Destiny continues working, thinking that changing into high heels may not have been the best idea.  Her feet begin to hurt, but she continues on her mission.
 Destiny approaches 4 star celebrity Richie Striker. 
 “Hi, Richie, I’m Destiny Hamilton.”

“No autographs today,” Richie says in an irritated voice; not recognizing Destiny as a celebrity.
 “I’m not interested in your autograph,” Destiny says with an air of arrogance.  “I just wanted to hand you a flyer,” she says.
 Next she runs into Matthew Hamming himself, who does recognize her.  “Hey Destiny!  Thanks for your work in promoting my next film,” Matthew says.
 Destiny approaches her last person.
 “Here’s my last flyer,” Destiny says.  “It’s for the special premier of Matthew Hamming’s new movie.”
 Drake’s shift is over and he leaves the bookstore.
Exhausted, Destiny takes a taxi home and drags herself into their apartment.