
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 32)

 Drake is the first up the next morning.  Neither he nor Destiny has to work.  Today he plans on bringing up the cell phone picture.
 Drake grabs a meal from the refrigerator while he waits for Destiny to wake up.
 Destiny is still sleeping when he finishes, so he decides to work on his mixology skill.
 Finally Destiny is awake.
 Destiny answers her ringing phone.
 Drake listens closely to try and determine whether she may be talking to Tom.
 Destiny cuts the call short and sits down to eat toast and jam.
 While Drake spits out yet another badly mixed drink.
 Destiny senses that Drake is still upset with her.
 Drake cannot hold his feelings in any longer. 
 “Destiny, it’s time we talk,” Drake begins, slightly distracted by Destiny’s lack of clothing and the broken sink behind her.
 “What is it now Drake?” 

“I happened to find your cell phone the other night.”

“I know that you were with Tom all night,” Drake says not succeeding at keeping his cool.
 “What were you doing checking my phone? Are we checking phones now?”  Destiny says in an accusatory tone.

“Don’t try to change the subject!” Drake yells in anger.
 Destiny is surprised at Drake’s yelling.  “Okay, okay…let’s just calm down.  I can explain.”
 “Don’t you dare lie to me!  I saw the picture that you took.”
 Destiny had forgotten about the picture.  Still she’s a little irritated that Drake had the nerve to even look through her cell phone.
 “Drake, yes I met Tom at the club, but you are jumping to conclusions.”

Drake tightens his jaw in anger, but decides to listen to what Destiny has to say.
 “You know before we even moved to Bridgeport that I’ve always been a fan of Tom’s. Tom has a lot of fans,” Destiny begins.
 “Yes, but most fans don’t end up in their celebrity crush’s music videos,” Drake interrupts.

“Yes, I admit that he was my celebrity crush, but nothing is going on between us.”

 “How do I know that?  You spent a whole night with him.  You admitted that you met him there.”

“Yes, Drake I did.  But we were at the club the whole time.  You can go and ask the bartender if you want.”
 “Why did you meet him there Destiny?”  Drake begins.
 When Destiny doesn’t answer right away, he continues. “Why didn’t you call and tell me where you were?”
 “I lost track of time.  Drake…none of this even matters.  Tom tried to get me to go home with him, but all I could think about was you.  I am in love with you,” Destiny answers.
 “How do I know that you didn’t go?” Drake asks.
 “Because I just told you.  If I wanted to be with him Drake, I could just pack and up and go.  But I’m here with you.”

Drake looks away unconvinced.
 Destiny decides to convince him once and for all.
Drake wants so desperately to remain angry at Destiny, but his pent up passion won’t allow it.  He lifts her up off the ground and carries her in his arms.

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