
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 31)

 Destiny wakes wondering what time Drake made it in last night.  Even she realizes that they cannot keep going with this back and forth.
 When she leaves the shower, Drake is awake and the ‘I’m not speaking to you’ game begins.
 Drakes eats in silence while Destiny makes her breakfast.  Drake would love to ask Destiny about the phone, but both of them have to go to work and his questions could lead to a never ending argument that he’s just not ready to deal with at the moment.
 Destiny breaks the silence with a question that threatens to send Drake into an angered frenzy.  “Have you seen my phone?”  She asks.
 Drake chooses not to answer and Destiny walks by him with eyes of fire.  She’d love to ask him what time he got in last night, but like Drake, she knows that they would both miss work if she did.
 The new maid enters the apartment, which is good for Destiny and Drake because it gives them another reason to postpone any arguments.
 Destiny finds her phone and leaves, too angry and frustrated with Drake to worry about leaving him alone with the new maid. While she’s gone, Drake introduces himself.
 The maid’s name is Antoinette. “I really hope this works out. I had to fire the last maid because she wasn’t cleaning our bathroom,” Drake informs her.
 “Yes, I heard about that.  Don’t worry, I take my job very seriously,” Antoinette answers.
 “Well good.  Welcome aboard,” Drake answers.
 “Thanks, I look forward to working here for a long time,” Antoinette answers.
 At work, Destiny is given an off-site assignment.
 Alan Stanley gives her a large stack of flyers for their new movie and instructs her to visit the Butterfly Esplanade and pass them out.
 Destiny first takes the subway.
 Then she hops in a taxi to get to the location.
 Destiny is excited to see a new part of town, while getting paid at the same time. 
 She decides that she wants to stand out so that she doesn’t just blend in with the crowd.  She looks around for a place to change her outfit.
 She enters a pretty atrium and finds a private area to change.
 She steps out with a new outfit and a stack of flyers on hand.
 Destiny approaches several visitors and hands them a flyer.  “This is our newest movie, starring Matthew Hamming,” she says.
 Destiny continues working, thinking that changing into high heels may not have been the best idea.  Her feet begin to hurt, but she continues on her mission.
 Destiny approaches 4 star celebrity Richie Striker. 
 “Hi, Richie, I’m Destiny Hamilton.”

“No autographs today,” Richie says in an irritated voice; not recognizing Destiny as a celebrity.
 “I’m not interested in your autograph,” Destiny says with an air of arrogance.  “I just wanted to hand you a flyer,” she says.
 Next she runs into Matthew Hamming himself, who does recognize her.  “Hey Destiny!  Thanks for your work in promoting my next film,” Matthew says.
 Destiny approaches her last person.
 “Here’s my last flyer,” Destiny says.  “It’s for the special premier of Matthew Hamming’s new movie.”
 Drake’s shift is over and he leaves the bookstore.
Exhausted, Destiny takes a taxi home and drags herself into their apartment.

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