
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 30)

 Destiny arrives home from the gym expecting to see Drake waiting for her.
 Having no idea where he is, she erupts in anger.
 She is far too tired to sit around waiting for him, so she decides to just go to bed.
 She’s sure they will have a lot to say to each other in the morning.
 Meanwhile, Drake arrives home in a taxi.
 He hopes that Destiny is already in the apartment when he gets there. He cannot imagine what he’d do if she isn’t.
 He checks the bedroom and finds her fast asleep.  He’s still angry at her, but relieved because moments ago, he imagined himself packing up and moving out of the apartment if he had found it empty.
 Drake is about to sit down and eat, when he spots Destiny’s cell phone on the ground.  She must have dropped it, Drake says to himself.
 Drake’s initial thought is to just pick it up and place it on the counter for her to find when she wakes up.
 He’s very upset with himself for even thinking about checking her phone for any signs of infidelity.
 Don’t do it! He tells himself trying to talk himself out of invading Destiny’s privacy.
 However, the fact that Destiny did not get home until five in the morning dissolves all of Drake’s moralistic judgment.  He picks up her phone.  He just has to see who she might have spent all of that time with.
 First he checks her contact list.  Although she has quite a few contacts listed, there is one name in particular that he’s searching for.
 He doesn’t find Tom Wordy’s phone number in Destiny’s contact list, however he finds something much more incriminating. 
 He finds the picture of Tom that Destiny took at the club.  Checking the date that the picture was taken, Drake has the proof that he had been looking for. So she was with him last night, Drake says to himself.
 From the moment he heard that she was going to be in his next video, Drake has been worried that there might be something going on between Destiny and Tom.
 Drake begins walking toward the bedroom in anger.
 But he stops and checks the phone again for further proof to avoid jumping to the wrong conclusions.  He checks her recent call list as well as her received call list.  He sees a few phone numbers, but cannot be sure that one of them is Tom’s without calling them.  The last thing he wants to appear to be is some jealous psycho boyfriend.
 What should I do?  He asks himself.
 Part of him wants to pack his bags and leave Destiny; to just go ahead and break it off.
 But it seems a bit drastic to end a relationship based on one picture.  Maybe Tom just happened to be at the same club as Destiny, Drake rationalizes.
Drake decides to just sleep on it before making a decision.

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