
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 29)

 Drake’s beginner’s luck begins to wear off and he quickly gets bored with playing shuffleboard alone.
 He checks out the bartender and notices that she is reasonably attractive.  Maybe spending time with a beautiful woman will cheer him up.
 “What can I get for you?” The bartender asks as Drake takes a seat at the bar.
 “A Big Mistake on the rocks please,” Drake orders.

“Coming right up!”
 As the bartender hands Drake his drink, he imagines other things that she could do for him, but his minds always seems to drift back to Destiny.  He clears the dirty thoughts about the bartender out of his mind.  I’d rather do those things with Destiny, he thinks to himself.
 “I’m whipped!’ Drake says to himself out loud taking a big sip of his drink.
 “Why do I love her so much?” Drake asks himself loud enough for the bartender to hear.
 “Whoever she is, is a very lucky woman,” the bartender responds to Drake’s comment.

“She doesn’t act like it,” Drake says with more bite than he intended.
 “Most women don’t realize what they’ve had until its gone,” she responds.

“Is that right?”  Drake says curious about the whole idea.
 “Oh yeah.  I’ve lost a few good ones myself,” the bartender remarks while cleaning a glass.

Drake gives this some thought, 
If I totally ignored Destiny and made her think she was losing me, would she finally show me some respect?
 “Maybe it’s time to let it go and turn your attention to a woman who deserves you,” the bartender says bending over giving Drake a full view of her rack.
 Drake considers it, looking the bartender up and down.  “Nah, I couldn’t do that,” Drake finally answers.
 “Still…when is enough finally enough?” He asks rhetorically, more to himself than to the bartender.
 “Well when you decide that you’ve had enough…give me a call,” the bartender says slipping her business card on the counter in front of Drake.
 “Thanks for the offer…but no,” Drake says leaving the phone number there on the counter.
 Drake walks away hoping that he’s doing the right thing.
The bartender rubs her tongue over her two pointed canines, using her full will to hold back her thirst.  She stares at Drake as if he were a tasty snack that got away.

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