
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 13

 I’m several hours into writing when I remember that I’m supposed to meet Lisette.
 I hesitate, thinking that maybe I should just call Lisette and cancel so that I can continue writing.
 I check the time on the computer and sigh.  It would be awfully rude of me to cancel on her when I’m supposed to be meeting her in a few minutes.  I’m sure she’s already on her way.
 But maybe not.  Maybe she’s running late and I have time to cancel.
 I dial her number.  Lisette answers on the third ring.

Lisette-” I manage to say before she interrupts.
 “Athena!  I’m glad you called…wait…you’re not calling to cancel on me are you?”  Lisette says not hiding the disappointment in her voice.
 Suddenly, I don’t have the heart to cancel, so I lie.  “No.  I was also running a little late and…I wanted to let you know that I’m still coming.”

“Good!  See you there!” 
Lisette says before promptly hanging up.
 I stay at the house of books for a few moments to make sure that I’m a little late as I said I would be.  Lisette and I are supposed to be meeting right across the street at the Lars Disco Tech.  I arrive a little before she does.
 Lisette hops out of her car, slightly out of breathe.  “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s OK.  I just got here myself I say,” glancing over at the Disco tech feeling nervous.

 There’s no way a clumsy person like myself should ever walk into a disco tech.  Said person should absolutely never step foot on a dance floor.  I hope the disco is not what Lisette has in mind.
 I search my mind for a good reason why we shouldn’t go to the Disco tonight. 
 “Uh, Lisette, I’m feeling a bit under dressed for the Disco.  Would you like to go grab a bite to eat instead?”  I ask hoping that she’s hungry.
 “Whatever you want to do is fine, as long as I’ve shown you at least a part of the town!” Lisette says.
 “Well I’ve been working most of the day, so I’ll settle for a tour of the diner for now,” I say as if I’d never been there.

“Great!  I know the chef personally.  Maybe he’ll be up to preparing us something special off the menu.”

 Now I’m feeling relieved,  “That sounds terrific.”
 We make small talk as we walk the short distance to the diner.
 I realize that I really am very hungry as we step into the diner and the great aromas meet us at the door.
 Surprisingly, conversation comes easy between Lisette and I.  We chat about work and our lack of a love life.
 Lisette is particularly interested in my goal of becoming a writer.  I tell her all about my current story and how quickly the book was picked up by an agent.
 It’s pretty late when we finally leave the diner. 

“Hey!  I think I can help you with your computer issues,” she says suddenly as we walk into the warm night air.

“How?” I ask, not sure what she has in mind.

 “I have an old computer that I was thinking about trashing.  It’s slow and it’s a pain when you try to get online, but it still has word processing software.  I’ll bring it by your house in the morning,” she says not giving me an opportunity to turn her down.

 “Thanks!  I’d appreciate that,” I say before we say our goodbyes.
As she walks away, I cannot help but feel glad that I decided to meet up with her.  Not only does Lisette have a kind heart, but her chattiness is complimentary to my quiet nature.

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