
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 14

 True to her word, Lisette delivers her spare computer early the next morning.
 No longer able to make excuses for not getting enough writing done, I sit down at the computer as day breaks to get started on my new full time career.
 I spend the next few hours totally immersed in the world of my characters as the sun shines it light beautifying Hidden Springs.
 Before I know it, I am putting the finishing touches on ‘Lonely Girl’.  I submit the completed manuscript to my agent.
 Afterward I sit and stare at my empty desktop.  I actually completed my first book! I think to myself full of disbelief.
 Right away, my agent writes me back excited that I finished.  I read her email over and over, still trying to wrap my head around the idea that my dream is coming true.
 I glance at the time and realize that I just spend way too much time on the computer.  My eyes are practically crossed from staring at so many words.
 Just as I’m about to walk away from the computer, another idea hits me.
 I quickly sit back down and type out two words, ‘Transformed Girl’.
 I decide that ‘Transformed Girl’ will be the title of my second novel about how my main character in ‘Lonely Girl’ is slowly transformed by the events that occur in her life.
 I write a brief outline; noting how I’m basically putting myself and my own life experiences into my character.
 When my eyes cannot take staring at the computer any longer, I take a break from looking at one screen and trade it in by looking at another.
 It’s a beautiful day and I know that I shouldn’t be wasting it in the house, but I flip over to the romance channel and cannot resist the urge of watching an early romance film.
 This is one of my favorites about a beautiful young woman caught up in a love triangle.
 In the end, the heroine chooses between the two men and they fall deeply in love and marry.  Although the movie has a happy ending, I end up feeling depressed because I still have no love to speak of.
 But, just like my character in ‘Transformed Girl’, I moved to Hidden Springs to transform my life, not do the same old things expecting different results.  After all, isn’t that Einstein’s definition of insanity?
 I suddenly feel like going swimming, but I don’t want to go alone.  I pull out my cell phone and look through my empty contact list.  There are two names there; Desmond’s and Lisette’s.
You would think that just two names would make this an easy decision, but I stand there agonizing for a while trying to decide who to invite.  I could go with the safe choice – Lisette, or I could be bold and invite Desmond.  I take a deep breathe and make my choice.  I put the phone to my ear and listen as it rings.

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