
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

I had full intentions on doing a New Year’s photo shoot with some of my Sims as well as post new story updates and pics,  but hubby treated me to a “alone time”, spa treatment day…so I’ve been away all day.  
Instead, I give you a preview of an upcoming update to the Hamilton/Boyd of Bridgeport story.  This is Destiny Hamilton and Tom Wordy in his music video where Destiny plays a “futuristic” model.  I look forward to posting the story update and the rest of the pics sometime in the New Year!
I wish you all a happy and safe 2012!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 15

 To get to the public pools, we have to travel to a part of Hidden Springs that I’ve never seen.  As the taxi passes a creepy old cemetery, I cringe.  I’ve always had a strong aversion to cemeteries.
 I advert my eyes to avoid looking at the cemetery.
 Just as we pass the cemetery, we pass a creepy old man walking just outside the cemetery fencing.  He has a strange green tone to his skin and I immediately think zombie.
 Again I avert my eyes.  Once again allowing my wild imagination to get away from me.  I know that it’s just an old man with a cane, still…I don’t dare look back as we pass.
 We continue driving along, passing a gorgeous view of Hidden Springs. 
 We finally pull up to the pools, where the taxi pulls over and drops me off.
 Lisette is there waiting for me.  Yes…I chickened out and called Lisette.  I was tempted to call Desmond but felt it would be pretty presumptuous of me to invite him out somewhere where we would both spend the day half naked.  Maybe it would have led him to believe that I was confident and bold.  Then again, maybe not.
 Right away, I thank Lisette once again for giving me the computer.

“No problem,” she says.  “It’s so old, I’m sure you’ll be begging me to take it back soon.”

 “Actually, the computer is perfect.  I was able to finish my first novel because of you.”
 “Well…there you go!  I guess anything can be useful if it’s really needed,” Lisette says sounding thrilled that she was able to help me out.

“Not only that, but I started the outline for my next book.”

 “Well, I can’t wait to read them!”  Lisette says excitedly.

“So, are you ready to head to the pools?” I ask, knowing that if I allow her to get started,
Lisette would be perfectly content standing right here talking the whole day away.
 I could not think of a more lovely location to spend the afternoon swimming.  The view here is amazing.
 I slip into my swimwear and dip my foot into the water.  It’s colder than expected, but I know just the remedy for adjusting to cold pool water…
 …I just jump right in.
 I don’t know if it’s just the gorgeous surroundings, but being in the pool feels extra relaxing; particularly the weightlessness that I feel as I float in the water.
 I become so engrossed into my own thoughts, that I almost forget about Lisette.  How rude of me to invite her to join me, then completely ignore her, I think to myself.
 I climb out of the pool to go and join her.
 I walk up the stairs and jump into the other pool.  Immediately, Lisette and I begin acting like children.
 We cannot resist a holding our breath contest.  We allow our bodies to sink down into the pool to see who can hold their breath the longest.
 We stay down; each of us determined to beat the other.
 I begin cheering as I see Lisette about to give up.
 She swims quickly to the top while I remain under just a little while longer to seal my victory.
 Finally I allow my body to float up to the top.  Just as my head emerges from the water, I take a deep breathe as my lungs threaten to burst from lack of oxygen.
 We spend the rest of the time floating and chatting, until Lisette says that it’s time for her to head home.
 She climbs out the water and goose bumps cover her dripping wet skin.
 I follow behind, ready to head home myself. 
As I dress and start toward my taxi, Desmond crosses my mind.  I’m glad that I went with the safe choice this time, but next time I know that I’d better choose Desmond if I want to have any chance at capturing his heart.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 14

 True to her word, Lisette delivers her spare computer early the next morning.
 No longer able to make excuses for not getting enough writing done, I sit down at the computer as day breaks to get started on my new full time career.
 I spend the next few hours totally immersed in the world of my characters as the sun shines it light beautifying Hidden Springs.
 Before I know it, I am putting the finishing touches on ‘Lonely Girl’.  I submit the completed manuscript to my agent.
 Afterward I sit and stare at my empty desktop.  I actually completed my first book! I think to myself full of disbelief.
 Right away, my agent writes me back excited that I finished.  I read her email over and over, still trying to wrap my head around the idea that my dream is coming true.
 I glance at the time and realize that I just spend way too much time on the computer.  My eyes are practically crossed from staring at so many words.
 Just as I’m about to walk away from the computer, another idea hits me.
 I quickly sit back down and type out two words, ‘Transformed Girl’.
 I decide that ‘Transformed Girl’ will be the title of my second novel about how my main character in ‘Lonely Girl’ is slowly transformed by the events that occur in her life.
 I write a brief outline; noting how I’m basically putting myself and my own life experiences into my character.
 When my eyes cannot take staring at the computer any longer, I take a break from looking at one screen and trade it in by looking at another.
 It’s a beautiful day and I know that I shouldn’t be wasting it in the house, but I flip over to the romance channel and cannot resist the urge of watching an early romance film.
 This is one of my favorites about a beautiful young woman caught up in a love triangle.
 In the end, the heroine chooses between the two men and they fall deeply in love and marry.  Although the movie has a happy ending, I end up feeling depressed because I still have no love to speak of.
 But, just like my character in ‘Transformed Girl’, I moved to Hidden Springs to transform my life, not do the same old things expecting different results.  After all, isn’t that Einstein’s definition of insanity?
 I suddenly feel like going swimming, but I don’t want to go alone.  I pull out my cell phone and look through my empty contact list.  There are two names there; Desmond’s and Lisette’s.
You would think that just two names would make this an easy decision, but I stand there agonizing for a while trying to decide who to invite.  I could go with the safe choice – Lisette, or I could be bold and invite Desmond.  I take a deep breathe and make my choice.  I put the phone to my ear and listen as it rings.

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 13

 I’m several hours into writing when I remember that I’m supposed to meet Lisette.
 I hesitate, thinking that maybe I should just call Lisette and cancel so that I can continue writing.
 I check the time on the computer and sigh.  It would be awfully rude of me to cancel on her when I’m supposed to be meeting her in a few minutes.  I’m sure she’s already on her way.
 But maybe not.  Maybe she’s running late and I have time to cancel.
 I dial her number.  Lisette answers on the third ring.

Lisette-” I manage to say before she interrupts.
 “Athena!  I’m glad you called…wait…you’re not calling to cancel on me are you?”  Lisette says not hiding the disappointment in her voice.
 Suddenly, I don’t have the heart to cancel, so I lie.  “No.  I was also running a little late and…I wanted to let you know that I’m still coming.”

“Good!  See you there!” 
Lisette says before promptly hanging up.
 I stay at the house of books for a few moments to make sure that I’m a little late as I said I would be.  Lisette and I are supposed to be meeting right across the street at the Lars Disco Tech.  I arrive a little before she does.
 Lisette hops out of her car, slightly out of breathe.  “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s OK.  I just got here myself I say,” glancing over at the Disco tech feeling nervous.

 There’s no way a clumsy person like myself should ever walk into a disco tech.  Said person should absolutely never step foot on a dance floor.  I hope the disco is not what Lisette has in mind.
 I search my mind for a good reason why we shouldn’t go to the Disco tonight. 
 “Uh, Lisette, I’m feeling a bit under dressed for the Disco.  Would you like to go grab a bite to eat instead?”  I ask hoping that she’s hungry.
 “Whatever you want to do is fine, as long as I’ve shown you at least a part of the town!” Lisette says.
 “Well I’ve been working most of the day, so I’ll settle for a tour of the diner for now,” I say as if I’d never been there.

“Great!  I know the chef personally.  Maybe he’ll be up to preparing us something special off the menu.”

 Now I’m feeling relieved,  “That sounds terrific.”
 We make small talk as we walk the short distance to the diner.
 I realize that I really am very hungry as we step into the diner and the great aromas meet us at the door.
 Surprisingly, conversation comes easy between Lisette and I.  We chat about work and our lack of a love life.
 Lisette is particularly interested in my goal of becoming a writer.  I tell her all about my current story and how quickly the book was picked up by an agent.
 It’s pretty late when we finally leave the diner. 

“Hey!  I think I can help you with your computer issues,” she says suddenly as we walk into the warm night air.

“How?” I ask, not sure what she has in mind.

 “I have an old computer that I was thinking about trashing.  It’s slow and it’s a pain when you try to get online, but it still has word processing software.  I’ll bring it by your house in the morning,” she says not giving me an opportunity to turn her down.

 “Thanks!  I’d appreciate that,” I say before we say our goodbyes.
As she walks away, I cannot help but feel glad that I decided to meet up with her.  Not only does Lisette have a kind heart, but her chattiness is complimentary to my quiet nature.