
Monday, March 5, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 43)

Drunk with the euphoria of welcoming a new daughter to his growing family, Spencer has forgotten all about Gwen’s birthday.
Rena walks upstairs with baby Candy and places her in the crib.  She too has forgotten about Gwen.
Spencer doesn’t even think to look for Gwen.  Instead, he heads upstairs and picks up his oldest daughter Chelsea.
 Sarah, who has spent the day planning and preparing a special meal, has remembered.  Her turkey is cooked to perfection and she heads upstairs to find Gwen.
Spencer can smell  the turkey.  Sarah has out done herself this time, he says to himself; his stomach churning in anticipation.
Rena can also smell the aroma as it drifts up the stairs.  After delivering a baby, she could use a great meal to help rebuild her energy.
 Sarah walks into Gwen’s room prepared to announce that her birthday dinner is ready.  Instead she is slapped in the face with the emptiness of the room.
 Taking a moment to comprehend what has happened, Sarah finally realizes that Gwen has moved out right under their noses.
 Rena is back downstairs already cutting into the turkey.
“Looks incredible huh?” Spencer asks Rena when Sarah enters the room.

“I need to talk to you,” Sarah says softly.
Spencer places Chelsea’s freshly prepared baby food in front of her and gives Sarah his attention.
“I prepared that turkey for Gwen’s birthday,” Sarah says.

Immediately Spencer feels bad.  “Oh god!  I forgot that it was her birthday.  I’ll run upstairs to get her,” he says right away.
“No, let me finish…Gwen is gone,” Sarah whispers in Spencer’s ear, as not to upset Rena by allowing her to overhear.

Spencer is amused, “Gone?  So she decided to go out and celebrate after all…good for her!”
“No Spencer…I mean gone, gone.  Her room is completely empty.”

All smiles evaporate.  “Gone, gone…” he repeats.
Not that he doesn’t believe Sarah, but Spencer rushes upstairs to see Gwen’s room for himself.
He walks toward Gwen’s room, already feeling like a failure. Knowing that his mother Candy wanted him and his adopted sister to be a family after she passed away. Her wish was in vain.
He opens the door and slowly slips in, already seeing that the room is completely empty.
When did this happen? He asks himself.  Who helped her move all the furniture?
He glanced out the window and the light house captures his attention.  The light appears to be searching for something.  Suddenly it hits Spencer that he has no idea where Gwen is.
The realization is heavy in his stomach.  Gwen is really gone.
He heads back downstairs, knowing that he has to tell Rena.  Also knowing that she’ll be upset that he and Gwen never really got along.
He considers avoiding the subject.  He walks over and grabs a plate.  Suddenly Rena asks a question that he’d rather not answer, because it should be so simple.  “Spencer, where’s Gwen?”

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